Achieving the target of hide collection in Posta, no hurry

, Business

Staff Correspondent, | 2024-06-18 18:02:03

On the first day of Eid-ul-Azha, the rawhide traders in Lalbagh’s Posta have almost fulfilled the target of hide collection. 80% of the target of hide was bought and salted last night. As a result, on the second day of Eid, there is no busyness for the workers.

Aftab Khan, chairman of Bangladesh Hide and Skin Merchant Association (BAHAMA), an organization of traders who buy raw hides and salt them, confirmed to that the target of skin collection has been achieved on Tuesday (June 18) morning.

He said, the target of our Posta traders this time was to collect around one lakh skins. We accordingly prepared by buying salt. About 80% of our target skins were collected on the first day of Eid by our Postamen, traders and retailers. By 9 pm the purchase of leather is over. Even the salt was applied last night. 15 parcent will be collected today on the second day and 5 percent will be collected on the third day of Eid tomorrow, Wednesday.

Aftab Khan also said that most of the skins of Dhaka have come to us. Some hides are also salted at Hemayetpur. However, tannery owners salted most of the hides. As a result, skin was not damaged in Dhaka. Retail traders are still getting better price than the price of leather yesterday.

Based on the information provided by the president of the organization, it can be seen that there is no busyness of putting salt on the skin in any of the Postas. Almost every square is empty of people. Workers have been seen sleeping next to some hides.

In the past, on the second day of Eid, leather shopping was also busy, but this time it is the opposite. There is no preoccupation with the skin. Two trucks are still going through the skin.

Talking to the traders, it is known that leather is being sold at a better price on the second day than on the first day. Yesterday the leather was sold for Tk. 500 to Tk. 700. Today that leather is being sold for Tk. 50 to Tk. 100 more. If the quality of the leather is good, the traders are buying it at a better price.

On the second day of Eid, it has been found that there is no busyness at Posta, the businessmen are getting the opportunity to salt leather in Hazaribagh of the capital. Owing to the shortage of space in the Posta, the old tannery factories at Hazaribagh have been given the opportunity to salt leather.

When asked about this, the leader of raw leather traders said that there are no traders like before in Posta. Many businessmen are turning away from this sector due to various crises. Even the godowns that used to be in Posta area are no longer what they used to be. Because a leather trader used to pay Tk. 40,000 for the rent of the godown, now the same godown has been rented several times more by the plastic traders. As a result, many traders cannot buy leather now. As a result, we appealed to the government to allow leather salting in the old tannery factories in Hazaribagh. In view of the application, the BSCIC of the Ministry of Industry gave us that permission. As a result, many businessmen have now produced salt in Hazaribagh. This trader feels that the target has been easily achieved as many traders have been able to collect leather as per their demand due to the permission for a short period of time.

After talking to the Posta traders, it is known that after salting the collected skins, they will store it for a few days. From the fifth day of Eid they will start selling this salted leather to the tannery owners.

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