US embassy accepting visa renewal applications

, International

Special Correspondent, | 2023-08-27 16:27:21

Dhaka: Certain types of non-immigrants, including students who were students in the United States and wishing to return for studying, whose visa has expired and whose visa needs to be renewed, are now able to apply for a visa from Sunday (September 13).

The US Embassy in Dhaka said in a press release.

To qualify for a visa renewal without an interview, the application must be in the same category as the old visa and must be applied for within 24 months of the old visa expiring.
After the embassy receives the application, the consular officer will review and determine if the applicant needs a personal interview. Those who need an interview will be able to take time for the interview once the regular visa process is introduced.

The fee (MRV) for a visa application will be valid for one year and can be used for an appointment for an interview within one year from the date of payment in the country where it was paid.

Applicants can update their profile by visiting this link and after paying the required fee they can submit their application packet to the center mentioned on the website: -visa-collection-center /.

The embassy will process F, J, M, O, Q, and C1 / D visa applications for visa renewal. You can find the necessary conditions for leaving the interview at this link:

For urgent or urgent travel, please contact:

H1B, L1, and certain types of J class applicants or their dependents who are covered by the President's Declaration 10052, if they think that he is one of the exceptions to the declaration, he can request for an interview only. For the President's announcement and list, see:

The US Embassy is accepting visa renewal applications for the following categories:
C1 / D: Transit / ship sailor or crew

F1: Students in the study who want to renew their student visa. This will only apply to those who want to renew their visa for the purpose of going to the same educational institution to study the previous subject. This will not apply to students who want to study at a new educational institution or a new subject, or who need an interview for whatever reason.

F2: Spouses of F1 students and / or unmarried children under 21 years of age.
J: Exchange Visitor Visa (interns, trainees, teachers, camp counselors, visa for summer work in exchange for accommodation and work on equal terms) not included in the 10014 declared by the President)

M: Student — Vocational '.
O (O): Foreign nationals who have outstanding skills in science, industry-culture, education, business or sports.
Q: Exchange Visitors - International Culture.

The US Embassy has not yet begun processing B1 / B2 visa applications. However, it will be announced soon when the processing of such visa applications will start. The announcement will be made public on the website and social media of the US Embassy in Dhaka.

To stay up-to-date with the Embassy, stay connected with the Embassy in Bengali or English language website, Facebook and Twitter, Bengali language website (, English language website ( /), Facebook (, and Twitter (  

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