Wild life must be protected for a safe World

, International

Fatima TuzZohra, Newsroom Editor | 2023-08-09 06:42:13

Many scientists and experts have speculated that coronavirus infection originated from a wildlife market in Wuhan of China's Hubei province. Since the virus began spreading wildlife trade was stopped there. But not only China but in many countries in the world have wildlife markets where wildlife is freely bought and sold.

If the free trade of wildlife is not stopped, the world could be headed for more pandemics, scientists said. If this trade of wildlife is going on all over the world, then mankind will face even greater catastrophe. And it could be an even bigger pandemic than the coronavirus in that situation, scientists say is mankind must get ready.

While everyone has become tired to prevent the pandemic coronavirus, scientists have made another prediction about the world. Ongoing research says another major catastrophe is just a matter of time if the wildlife trade is not stopped. And it's almost impossible for people to cope with it. That's why scientists warn the world with advance messages.


Chinese authorities have also claimed that the virus had spread from a wildlife sales market in Wuhan. US researchers say the virus is believed to be infected by an animal. They said the virus could be spread from bat, snake and pangolins.
Various species of animals, including snakes, foxes, predators, cats, rats are bought and sold in these wildlife markets.

Professor Leo Pun of Hong Kong University said, this wildlife have their own virus. These viruses can transmit infections from one body to another. These viruses can cause infections in the body of other organisms in the market where a large number of people are going to these markets every day, these viruses can easily get into the human body.

Professor Poon was the only person who decoded the pandemic SARS virus in 2003. The virus was infected with the flesh of a wild cat in Guangzhou Province, China. However, the SARS virus was not in the cat's body, that is, a virus from another animal came into the cat's body and then became infectious.

Jason Stall, an assistant professor at Prince Edward Islands University's Atlantic Veterinary College said the markets are generally wet and damp. It can easily be infected with a virus. And it is not impossible to get the virus infected into the human body in these places.


He added that consuming wildlife is a part of Chinese heritage and culture. If they continue to eat certain organisms, then it is okay. But who can guarantee it? China must come up with policies where they provide clean meat of these animals. At the same time, we need to think about bio-security and checking issues.
Assistant Professor Carrie Bowman of the University of Toronto said, "If we do not stop this trade, we can face an epidemic again in the next eighteen months."

Experts say closing the trade is a matter challenge. Because it is very much connected with the cultural practices, traditions and trade of a billion dollars in a country. In addition, the good will of the government and the proper enforcement of the law are required to stop the trade of wildlife.

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