UK to relax lockdown gradually with precautions

, International

International Desk, | 2023-08-27 05:06:38

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a gradual relaxing of the lockdown in the United Kingdom to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. He made the announcement in a speech to the nation on Sunday (May 10), according to BBC.

Those who can't work at home will go to work according to the rules of social distance, Boris said. However, public transport should be avoided. From Wednesday, people will be given the opportunity to go out more.

He added, from June, primary school children will be allowed to go to school. In addition, shops and nurseries will be partially reopened from the same time.

From next Wednesday, we want more people out of the house, even indefinitely, he said. You can now go elsewhere in local parks. You can also play sports, but only with family members.

However, he said that the lockdown would not be lifted in the near future. People have to stay home most of the day, he said. Go out of the house and meet others. You can sit and talk with them, but you have to be two meters away from each other.

Johnson also announced the launch of an "alert" system to warn people about the corona situation. Based on coronavirus-related data, the new alert system will have levels ranging from 1 to 5. And the people will be informed about the level of risk here.

According to the new method, the warning signal will go from step-1 to step-5 depending on the situation. Step-1 will be green. Step-5 will be red. People will be given an idea of ​​the level of risk according to the color difference. Johnson said the UK is currently at step no. 3.

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