Cops getting effective results using ‘Ivermectin’ drug

, International

Staff Correspondent,, Dhaka | 2023-08-24 20:55:02

Ivermectin to create awareness among the people to prevent corona transmission. However, the recovery rate of corona-affected policemen is higher than others.

As of Sunday (May 31) 4,868 cops have been infected with corona in the police. So far, 1,601 policemen have been exempted from tax.

According to the police headquarters, about 39.40 per cent of the corona victims have recovered. In addition, the number of infections in the police has decreased compared to the past days.

The force claims that the recovery rate has increased as adequate medical equipment has been added to all police hospitals, including the rent of private hospitals to ensure the best services and care for the affected police personnel.

However, when it was asked what kind of drugs were being applied, the doctor of Rajarbagh Central Police Hospital, Dr. Khaled Mohammad Iqbal said that so far no recognized medicine is being applied for the treatment of corona worldwide. Each country is following a different approach. We have been following a study from the Biomedicine Discovery Institute at Monash University in Australia since the beginning. They are talking about applying the national drug ‘Ivermectin’ there. It is commonly used as a lice killing drug. So it has no side effects in that sense.

The doctor at the police hospital said he started administering the drug with the permission of the hospital director. I got good results from the beginning. Most of the recovered members of the police have been given the drug.

Later I also apply the drug to police members who have symptoms without any test. I get good results from there too.

Meanwhile, Mishu Biswas, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, who had recently tested positive for corona and tested negative for corona in the second day, said, "I took Scabo-6 of the 'Ivermectine' group on the second day of testing positive for corona." Basically I was advised to take the medicine from the police hospital. In 5 days, I got negative in the second test. I am looking forward to the third test.

Police hospital doctor Khaled Mohammad Iqbal further said, "We have collected 30,000 ‘Iver mectin’ along with erythromycin for common fever due to good results."

When asked, AIG (Media) Sohail Rana told that one out of every three policemen affected by corona has already recovered. The recovery rate is increasing rapidly in the advanced and quality medical services of the Central Police Hospital.

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