If vaccinated is infected, the risk of death is very low: research data

, National

Kanak Joty, Contributing Correspondent, Barta24.com   | 2023-09-01 11:17:29

In a study of ongoing vaccination campaigns around the world to prevent the coronavirus, the vaccine protection cycle becomes stronger two weeks after the vaccine is given. The study was conducted by two researchers, Vasilios Vasilio and Ciaran Grafton-Clark of the University of East Anglia in England.

The study on Covid-19 found that the five most common symptoms of an infection include headache, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and loss of smell. However, there are a number of corona positive patients who have not had any of these.

Experts say that even if the corona is infected after the vaccination, the chances of death are very low. In addition, even if infected, the person is more likely to recover quickly.

A study in England found that 0.2 per cent of people, or just one in 500 people, became infected after being vaccinated. How safe a person is after being vaccinated can be understood by looking at four things.

These are:

1) Research shows that a person may be re-infected after receiving the vaccine, depending on the type of vaccine they are receiving. Clinical trials have shown that the chances of being infected with the moderna vaccine are reduced by 94 percent. In the case of the Pfizer vaccine, the probability is reduced by 95 percent.

2) Several studies have claimed that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine decreases after six months of vaccination. Although this is not proven, a person can still be infected after being vaccinated.

3) Vaccines were developed and tested on specific variants of corona. However, since corona came back with various variants, the effectiveness of the vaccine has also been questioned. As seen, the effect of the vaccine is not the same for delta, alpha-all variants.

4) A person's own immunity also depends largely on relapse. Immunity usually decreases with age. Thus, older people or those with lower immune systems are at higher risk.

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