'The student-people faced the bullet of the dictator'

, National

News Desk, Barta24.com | 2024-09-28 07:30:41

The Chief Adviser of the interim government Dr. Muhammad Yunus, in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly session in New York, highlighted the self-sacrifice and heroism of the students in the July-August revolution against the brutality of the dictatorial Sheikh Hasina government.

At the time, he said that a new door of possibilities has been opened in Bangladesh in the revolution of the students and the masses, while commenting that the Chief Adviser said, I have been able to attend this great parliament of the world community today due to the revolutionary changes that have taken place in Bangladesh this July-August. The immense power of our masses, especially the youth, has opened up a new possibility of radical transformation of our existing state structures and institutions.

On Friday (September 27), Nobel Peace Prize winning economist Dr. Yunus said these things.

He said, the movement of our students and youth society was basically an anti-discrimination movement. Gradually it turned into a mass movement. Then the whole world watched in amazement how the entire people of Bangladesh stood firm against dictatorship, oppression, discrimination, injustice and corruption through streets and social media.

Dr. Yunus said, our students have freed us from an autocratic and undemocratic regime through their indomitable determination and conviction. I believe that the future of our country lies in their collective determination, which will elevate this country to the status of a responsible nation in the world community.

The Chief Adviser said, this mass movement has united the vast masses of Bangladesh who are deprived of the benefits of political rights and development. The people of Bangladesh wanted an inclusive partnership in development activities. Our people have fought for a fair, inclusive and effective democracy, for which our new generations have sacrificed their lives.

"We are overwhelmed by the wisdom, courage and conviction shown by these young people of ours. '

Referring to the sacrifices and courage of the students, he said, our youths stood up despite the gunshots. Our young women strongly voiced against the illegal state power.

Dr. Yunus said the school-going teenagers sacrificed their lives without hesitation. Hundreds of people have lost their sight forever.

He said, our mothers, day laborers and countless people of the city shouldered their children on the streets. Ignoring the scorching sun, rain, fear of death, they overcame the evil conspiracy to manipulate the state machinery for a long time against true and just aspirations.

Dr. Yunus highlighting the loss of life in July-August uprising said, according to our knowledge, we have lost more than eight hundred lives in the hands of dictatorial forces in this people's movement.

He said that the development of the Bangladesh state is due to people's deep belief in liberalism, pluralism and secularism. The values that our masses fought for in 1971, have been taught to look anew by our 'Generation-G' many years later. We saw this in the language movement of 1952 when Bengali was established as the mother tongue.

Dr. Yunus said that this 'monsoon coup' of Bangladesh will inspire people in different parts of the world to stand for freedom and justice in the coming days.

"We call upon the world community to re-engage with our new Bangladesh to make our liberation and democratic aspirations a reality," said the Chief Adviser.

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