Saudi Arabia agrees to take Bangladeshi Hajj pilgrims by sea

, National

Staff Correspondent,, Dhaka | 2024-10-07 18:23:53

The Saudi government has no restrictions on sending Hajj pilgrims from Bangladesh by sea. However, the country's Minister of Hajj and Umrah Affairs Tawfiq Fauzan Al Rabia said that the port authority should be talked.

Advisor on religion in Bangladesh AFM Khalid Hossain said this in a meeting with Saudi Minister held at the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Jeddah on Sunday (October 6). The meeting was cordial.

Minister Dr. Tawfiq Fawzan Al Rabia said, Saudi government has no objection to send Haji pilgrims from Bangladesh by sea. But you have to talk to the port authorities. Bangladesh also needs to negotiate with the shipping company.

Bangladesh is thinking about sending 2/3 thousand pilgrims to Saudi Arabia as experimental by ship.

Saudi minister assures to upgrade biometric system for Hajj Owners of Hajj agencies in Bangladesh or their representatives have to visit Saudi Arabia repeatedly to secure accommodation and other facilities 2/3 months before Hajj. That is why Munajem (multiple) visa is required. When the religious adviser of Bangladesh drew the attention of the Hajj minister in this regard, he assured the issue of Munajjim visa.

Under the Road to Makkah program, Saudi immigration is completed at the Haj camp in Dhaka and the baggage of the pilgrims is supposed to be delivered to the Saudi hotel. But in 2023 and 24, several pieces of luggage were lost. When the subject was brought up, the minister said that necessary measures will be taken in this regard.

Previously, the Saudi Ministry of Hajj has given a quota of sending at least 2,000 Hajj pilgrims to each agency. In this regard, when the Religious adviser requested to reschedule the quota of two hundred and fifty people per similar agency in 2024, the Saudi minister assured to consider the matter.

The Deputy Minister of International Cooperation of the Hajj Ministry Hassan Al Manakhera and Director General of the Ministry of Hajj Affairs Badr Al Selami assisted the Saudi Hajj Minister in the bilateral meeting.

The secretary of the Ministry of Religion was in the Bangladeshi team Abdul Hamid Jamaddar, Additional Secretary Motiul Islam, Charge de Affairs of Bangladesh Embassy in Riyadh, Brigadier Rakibullah, Consul General of Bangladesh Consulate in Jeddah, Mia Muhammad Moinul Kabir, Counselor of Jeddah Hajj Mission, Zahirul Islam, Hajj Consul Muhammad Aslamuddin, Bangladesh Embassy Officer Dr. Sadiq Hossain and Jeddah Hajj Mission Officer Mahmudul Hasan were present.

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