A bond of harmony in the distribution of meat in panchayats has existed for ages in Katiyadi

  • Saidur Rahman Naim, District Correspondent, Barta24.com
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Photo: Barta24.com

Photo: Barta24.com

The bond of social norms and harmony is still intact in Katiyadi of Kishoreganj. After finishing the Eid-ul-Azha prayers, everyone in the society offers Qurbani together. From there everyone leaves a portion for the lower class and less able people of the society. They are collected and deposited in the grounds of the government primary school next to it. One after another, various sacrifices started coming.

Once it becomes a huge pile All the collections are measured and stored after completion Later, the names on the list are taken and distributed. Even if no one was present, the meat reached his house. Such a social relationship and bond of harmony has been seen in Katiadi of Kishoreganj.


This custom, which is more than two and a half hundred years old, has been going on for ages in Purbapara Mahalla of Ward No. 3 of Katiyadi Municipal Area. The present generation has also retained this custom

Panchayat social system is no longer seen in modern society. But the Panchayat is one of the carriers of the social system. Panchayat means a council consisting of five or more persons. Panchayats are as old as the history of Bengal. Some of the activities of this panchayat system can be seen during Qurbani Eid. Panchayat system is still somewhat ongoing especially in villages.

Talking to local residents, it is known that this panchayat system of Purbapara Mohalla is very old. It was introduced to create unity by removing the disparity in the society and to reduce the disparity between the rich and the poor which is passed down from generation to generation. A list of five hundred houses was prepared and distributed.

Meraj Mia (75), an elderly person of the area, said, "I have been seeing this distribution since I was a child." This is how our fathers and grandfathers also distributed through panchayats. It has been going on since the British period.'

Sharif, Mizan and Abdullah of the area who are responsible for the distribution said that more than five hundred people have been listed and distributed. More than five thousand kg of beef has been collected. Two and a half kg has been given I have delivered home even if no one came Our goal is social unity and removal of rich-poor disparity. It will continue’

Locals also said that currently the number of members or 'houses' of this panchayat is around 500. An average of 40/46 families offer sacrifices every Eid al-Azha. And the rest of the large part cannot sacrifice for some reason or the other. So that the joy of Eid does not fade away, they are also given sacrificial meat through Panchayat.

On the morning of Eid, they will give one-third of their slaughtered animals to the Panchayat field. And keep the other half for themselves. Besides, he shall also deposit the skin of the slaughtered animal in the panchayat. After the meat is collected, it is cut and distributed by its own volunteers.

In this panchayat or society the one who sacrificed also gets the meat and the one who did not sacrifice also gets the meat. That is, the sacrificial meat reaches all the houses of this panchayat.