Mustafizur Rahman Bhuiyan Dipu is flooded with congratulations

Photo: Collected
Dhaka: BNP Central Executive Committee member Mustafizur Rahman Bhuiyan Dipu has been elected the first joint convener of the newly formed committee of Narayanganj District BNP. Dipu, a son of a respectable family, is flooded with congratulations for being elected.
In addition to the virtual world, many people have congratulated him by hanging banners and festoons. Popular young leader Dipu's grandfather, the late Gulbox Bhuiyan, was the second most successful Bengali businessman in the then East Pakistan. His father, the late Mujibur Rahman Bhuiyan, was the successful chairman of the Rupganj Upazila Parishad.
In his personal life, he is also known as a successful industrialist and entrepreneur. Under his leadership, the Gausia Group has contributed to creating huge employment opportunities. His contribution in sponsoring social and religious events is known to everyone.
This leader, who has been involved in politics since his student days, has been steadfast in his political life towards nationalist ideals. He has been actively participating in various activities of the party.
He said that his main vow is to work for freedom, nationalism, establishing democracy and developing the country.