Blind astrologer Baba Bhanga's words are going to be true!

, International

International Desk,, Dhaka | 2024-04-20 08:14:32

When Iran and Israel face the Gaza issue, everyone is worried! Everyone's question - what is going to happen? Which way is the world? Is the world on the same path as the blind astrologer Baba Bhanga had expressed his apprehension about? World War III! Or a terrible 2024!

It has been 27 years since the woman who was skilled in astronomy left the illusion of the world. But for more than 3000 years from now, she has predicted what will happen in the world in any year. The world has already realized that all her words are not completely false. The most recent is the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic was also mentioned in the prophecy of Baba Bhanga.

And her statement about 2024 was that it will be a year shrouded in terrible blackness. Those fears include terrorist attacks across Europe, a global economic crisis and the use of biological weapons. She even calculated that there would be an assassination attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This Bulgarian astrologer died in 1996. She was called the Nostradamus of the Balkans. In those days of astrology, Baba gave a list of what would happen on Earth by leap years until the year 5079. In the years since her death, some events have matched her calculations, and many have begun to believe them to be true. Her calculations showed 2024 as a black year. In this situation, many people are looking forward to see whether any predictions of Baba Bhanga will come to fruition. It is being published so far as a result of those words.

I have already talked about the Covid-19 pandemic. But another burning memory in this list is the 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States. Baba Bhanga predicted this possible attack in 1989. Said birds made of steel will come and crush America's pride. That came true. Four planes came and broke the pride of the skyscraper and took away 3000 fresh lives. Baba Bhanga meant the airplane by the steel bird.

In 1966, Baba Bhanga was a prediction of the covid-19 pandemic. She warned that Corona will spread among all of us. The Daily Star quoted a 73-year-old woman named Neshka Stefanova Robeva. She said before her death, Baba Bhanga told her the words. Then she did not even understand the meaning of this word?

It is said that Baba Bhanga also told the year of her death correctly. She said she would die on August 11, 1996 at the age of 85. Her words are also claimed to be true. She died of breast cancer that year.

The world has not forgotten about the tsunami of 2004 even today. The tsunami that washed away Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries. Before the day of the tsunami, did anyone know that something like this was going to happen! No, but Baba Bhanga said that a huge wave will come and wash away the localities, towns and ports beyond the sea coast. Everything will sink under the water. It happened so. She said, everything will melt like ice cream.

The Kursk submarine disaster of 2000 was also mentioned in the prophecy of Baba Bhanga. She said Kursk would be submerged in water. And the world will cry. 118 people died in the Kursk accident. Divers were able to reach Kursk after eight days and it was known to be submerged in 350 feet of water.

The assassination of the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, was also on the list of predictions of this Bulgarian astrologer. This murder happened in 1984. Which in 1969, the Baba Bhanga predicted. She said, her clothes will destroy her. Amidst the smoke and flames I see orange-yellow clothing. On October 31, 1994, the day Indira Gandhi was assassinated, she was wearing a saffron colored saree.

This female astrologer also knew the news of the rise of two US presidents, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. She said, a black man is going to be the 44th president of the United States. But her other words were not true. Baba Bhanga said that would be the last black president of the United States because Barack Obama was re-elected for the 45th term as president. She predicted the 45th, when the United States would be in crisis. But that coincided with Donald Trump. Many prefer to compare the issue with the events on Capitol Hill in 2020.

During her 50 years of practicing astrology, Baba Bhanga had other predictions that came true. Among them was the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986, the assassination of Princess Diana in 1997.

But there were some predictions that didn't quite match up. Like 2023 natural birth will end, earth will change its rotation path; solar storm will happen none of these things happened. She also said that Europe would cease to exist by 2017, which did not materialize. However, those who believe in astronomy try to match the words with Britain's exit from the European Union in 2023.

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