With beets and quinoa spinach also considered as nutritional powerhouse.
In Bangladesh spinach is popular as ‘Kochu shak’. The fresh, dark leafs of spinach can be made into mouthwatering savory items. This low-calorie leafy green provides protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. Let’s explore more health facts about this natural ingredient.
Some of spinach nutrients contain anti-inflammatory properties. Because of that it helps to reduce migraine headache along with osteoporosis, arthritis and asthma problems.
Deficiency of vitamin-k has been linked with higher risk for bone fracture. In order to maintain good bone health one much consume vitamin-k loaded foods. Because, vitamin-k helps to improve calcium absorption. Spinach is one of good sources of vitamin-k. 100g of spinach has 483 mcg of vitamin-k.
Green leafy spinach contains lots of chlorophyll. This is a well known and effective blocking element of carcinogenic effects of any grilling foods in high temperature.
Vitamin-c and beta-carotene rich green spinach can be very much helpful for gastrointestinal health. Both of those nutrients work to protect colon’s cells from any kind of free radicals.
Because of excellent source of vitamin-A, C and anti-oxidants spinach considered as a very heart healthy food. Especially anti-oxidants helps to reduce free radical in body.
Besides folate works for maintaining healthy cardiovascular system and magnesium helps to lower high blood pressure.
A kind of carotenoid named lutein in spinach makes it one of the most beneficial foods for eye health. It helps to minimize age-related eye problems and macular degeneration.