Myanmar's delegation team reach Cox's Bazar

, National

Staff Correspondent, | 2023-08-30 14:09:16

The delegation team of Myanmar’s Independent Commission of Enquiry (ICOE) reached Cox’s Bazar to collect evidences of allegations of human rights violations against Rohingya people.  

Rosario Manalo, former undersecretary of foreign affairs in charge of international economic relations of the Philippines will lead the enquiry on Tuesday.

The other three members are: former chairperson of Myanmar's constitutional tribunal U Mya Thein, former UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief Kenzo Oshima and former senior official at UNICEF Prof Dr Aung Tun Thet.

The visit coincides with the proposed Rohingya repatriation date of Aug 22 when it is expected that the first group of refugees is likely to go back to Myanmar.

The probe team led by former Japanese ambassador Kenzo Oshima arrived in Dhaka on Saturday. Other members of the advanced probe panel include Professor Dr Aung Tun Thet, Professor Yoshihiro Nakanishi, Leena Ghosh and Khin Myo Myat Soe.

The delegation will meet with officials of the foreign ministry, other government and United Nations (UN) agencies.

The visiting delegation prepared for the groundwork for the Evidence Collection and Verification Team.

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