India withdraws water of Feni river

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Feni river, Photo: Collected

Feni river, Photo: Collected

Chattogram, (barta24): India is unilaterally withdrawing the water from Feni river bordering Ramgarh- Fatikchari- Mirsharia. Without any pact India is withdrawing water with high powered electric pumps.

It is learnt that India is withdrawing water at 17 points of Sabrum subdivision of South Tripura of India, setting up high powered electric low lift pumps on the no-mans land. Though Bangladesh has put objections several occasions but they did not pay any heed to it.


After sending formal letters to stop withdrawal of water BGB has also held meetings with BSF but of no result.

When contacted Additional Secretary of Water Resources Ministry Mahmudul Islam told that India was given letters several times. Moreover high level meetings between two countries are going on in this matter.


He informed that India withdraws water in the dry season for irrigation purpose and for drinking purpose of the people of that area. We have informed them that we have objection regarding withdrawal of water but of no result.

To the contrary for withdrawing water of Feni river, the second biggest irrigation project of the country ‘Muhuri Project’ is now under threat. On the other hand when water falls in the lean period the project area cultivation is seriously hampered.

Bangladesh Water Development Board(BWDB) sources informed that India wants to take 1.82 cusec of water of Feni river. The matter is still under discussion stage. But they are withdrawing water before any pact. The length of Feni river is 116 kilometers. This river has touched 70 kilometers of Bangladesh –India border.

Ramgarh of Khagrachari is located by the side of Sabrum of South Tripura.

After visiting the area physically it was found that they are withdrawing water  setting up pump house from 30-35 yards away from the current of the river. Pipes measuring 7-8 diameters have been submerged in to the river water. Thus they are doing their irrigation with the water of Feni river.

Local social worker of Ramgarh told that without caring the objection of Bangladesh India is withdrawing water for their interest. For this reason the bordering Ramgarh, Fatikchari and Mirshariar’s thousands of acres of land without any cultivation lying fallow. Hundreds of orchards are being destroyed. Similarly the ‘Muhuri Project’ is facing threat. In dry season the Feni river looks like a desert for want of water.

When contacted deputy Commissioner of Chattogram Mohammad Iliash Hossain told discussion is going on with India regarding the Feni and other rivers. He said that there were meetings with BGB and BSF but producing nothing.

Guimara sector commander of BGB Abdul Hye told that the Indian authority is withdrawing water on several points by setting up at least 20 high powered water pumps. We sent letters to them for stopping it. Next we held meetings. After that the matter was referred to Joint River Commission(JRC). Now we are not working on it.

According to International law no permanent structure can be set up within 150 yards of borders. Violating the law India is withdrawing water setting up permanent structure. In 2003 India under the protection of BSF set up their first pump from the 30 yards of the border. At this BGB(then BDR) objected but the BSF fired upon them.

Afterwards India took up an irrigation project of 12 kilometers covering Amlighat, Krishnanagar, Huangbari via Samarganj for withdrawing water. Former BDR (now BGB)objected to when they try to take water setting up 36 inches diameter pipe line. Then BSF stopped the embankment protection work of BWDB.

In a secretary level meeting held in 2010 Bangladesh agreed to give 82 cusecs of water. Next India allowed resumption of protection work by BWDB. However Bangladesh did not agree when India wanted water through constructing cement concrete lines setting up 5 meter dia with 20 meter deep well near the river. On September 27 of 2016 there was another meeting with India but no decision was reached.