Overcoming crisis, the country's economy is on the right track: Finance Minister

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com, Dhaka
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Photo: Collected

Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali commented that there were some crises in the economy, but the country's economy is now moving in the right direction.

He made this comment to reporters after meeting with Arnaud Hamillers, Country Director of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) at the secretariat on Monday (February 12).


The finance minister said that Bangladesh has not gone bankrupt. After overcoming some crisis in the economy, the country has started to return to the development track. The government is dealing well with the challenges that have come to the economy due to global issues. Development partners also said that Bangladesh is one of the developing countries with low interest loans under simple conditions.

Regarding the subject of discussion in the meeting, the finance minister said that the project activities of International Fund for Agricultural Development are ongoing in Bangladesh. There they are bringing new ideas, they are being discussed.

In response to the questions of the journalists whether it was said to focus on any specific issue in the meeting, he said, there is nothing like that. But they work on the development slowly. Every year they discuss it with us. This year they had discussions with Bangladesh and everyone else about innovation.

IFAD said it wanted more cooperation. In response to the question of Bangladesh's expectation from that side, the minister said that everyone talks about their ideas. There are many problems in Bangladesh now. Marketing is one of them. As soon as the produce from the farmer comes to Dhaka, it goes to the hands of the middlemen, which is a big problem.