Proposal to increase gas price in industries from Tk. 30 to Tk. 75.72

Photo: Collected
Petrobangla has proposed to increase the price of gas per cubic meter to Tk. 75.72 for new industries and captives, but the price of gas for existing industries has been said to remain at Tk. 30 (per cubic meter). Considering the LNG import price of the last 3 months, the proposal to increase this price has been submitted to the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC).
The rule is that BERC will scrutinize and select the proposal after receiving it. If it is found reasonable, an evaluation committee (BERC team) will be formed subject to approval in the commission meeting. After receiving the report of the evaluation committee, BERC will issue an order after holding a public hearing.
Petrobangla said in its proposal that the gradual decrease in the amount of gas supply has had the greatest impact on industrial and captive electricity. About 75 percent of the gas supplied is available from domestic gas fields, while the remaining 25 percent is being imported from LNG. In the future, domestic gas production may gradually decrease and LNG imports will increase. This will reach 75 percent in the 2030-31 fiscal year.
The current import price of LNG per cubic meter is Tk. 65.70. As a result, the gas price gap will have to be reduced to sustain this sector. As domestic production has decreased over time and high-priced LNG imports to meet gas demand have increased over time, a total of 44 cargoes of LNG have been imported, including 32 under long-term contracts and 12 from the sport market, until December 31 (2024) of the 2024-25 fiscal year.
If a total of 101 cargoes are imported in the current fiscal year, including 28 more under long-term contracts and 29 from the spot market, the estimated deficit will be Tk. 16 thousand 161 crore 71 lakh. If 115 cargoes are imported in 2025, there will be a deficit of about Tk. 22 thousand 315 crore. To reduce the deficit, the price can be determined for promised and potential new gas connections and load increase in the industrial and captive categories.
Petrobangla said in its proposal that the average price of LNG brought from the long-term spot market in the previous 3 months (July-September) has been Tk. 75.72. It was Tk. 64.25 in July, Tk. 65.74 in August and Tk. 61.08 in September, the average price for the three months stands at Tk. 63.58, with VAT, tax and other charges of Tk. 9.88, bringing the price to Tk. 75.72.
Petrobangla wrote that the permitted load in 8 consumer categories in the country is 5,356 million cubic feet (daily). Against this, the demand is 3,800 to 4,000 million cubic feet. Against the demand, 2,800 million cubic feet of gas is being supplied daily, and the deficit remains around 1,200 million. In the fiscal year 2023-24, an average of 2,493 million cubic feet.
If the price in the international market increases, the price will increase, and if it decreases, it will decrease. Two types of rates have been proposed. One rate for approved (promised) but unconnected customers, and a different rate for new industries. Half of the gas rate for promised customers will be equal to the existing rate, and the other half will be the import price. Currently, the rate for each cubic meter of gas used in industry is Tk. 30, and for captives Tk. 31.75. Accordingly, even if the existing industry gets gas at Tk. 30, a new industry of the same type will have to buy gas at Tk. 75.72.
On the other hand, gas is purchased from the state-owned Sylhet Gas Field Company Limited at Tk. 1, from Bangladesh Gas Field Company at Tk.1.25, and from Bapex at Tk. 4 per cubic meter. Then, the average rate for gas purchased from multinational companies Chevron Bangladesh and Tallo stands at Tk. 6.07 per cubic meter. These domestic sources are producing approximately 2000 million cubic feet of gas daily.
The new formula will create unequal competition in the industry, with the existing industry getting gas at a lower price, while new industries will not be able to compete by buying gas at a higher price. Business leaders believe that this may discourage new industries.