143 countries voted at the UNGA for the creation of an independent Palestine

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143 countries, including Bangladesh, have voted in the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA) for the creation of an independent Palestinian state. 9 countries voted against. And 25 countries abstained from voting. AP news.

The resolution was tabled at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Friday (May 10).


It said, "Let there be another vote in the Security Council in favor of the creation of an independent Palestinian state." Do you have support in this?

143 countries agreed to this proposal. The General Assembly called on the Security Council to become the 194th member of the United Nations by majority vote.


Earlier, on April 18, despite widespread support, the path of recognition of Palestine as a member state of the United Nations was blocked by the veto of the United States.

US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood said on Thursday that the Biden administration opposed the proposal.

The United States was among nine countries that voted against it, including Israel.