Joe Biden infected with Corona

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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

US President Joe Biden has been infected with the Coronavirus. According to the White House, Biden is suffering from mild symptoms of Corona.

This information was published in a report by AFP on Thursday (July 18).


According to the report, Biden was diagnosed with Corona while campaigning in Las Vegas, Nevada on Wednesday. After the Virus was detected, Biden left for the state of Delaware on Air Force One, the plane used by the president of the United States. He will be in isolation at his home there. "I feel good," he told reporters from the car before boarding the plane.

However, Biden was infected with Corona at a time when pressure is increasing on him within his own party, the Democratic Party, to withdraw from the presidential election to be held in November. At the age of 81, questions are being raised about how capable he is of contesting the election against rival candidate Donald Trump. That question has intensified since last month's debacle in a debate with Trump.
