Why you should check your Blood Pressure regularly?

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High blood pressure is referred as ‘Hypertension’ as a medical term. This disease is often compared to an Iceberg. Because most of the sufferers doesn't even know about their disease, which resembles the submerged danger of an Iceberg. Some research shows that 42% of patients are unaware of their disease. 24% of patients are aware but do not take any steps to control their blood pressure. Only 34% of patients controls their BP.
Complications of uncontrolled Hypertension:
- Stroke (i.e. Intracranial Hemorrhage)
- Blindness (i.e. Hypertensive Retinopathy)
- Heart Attack (i.e. Coronary Artery Disease)
- Kidney Disease (i.e. Chronic Renal Failure)
How to diagnose Hypertension:
If someone has a blood pressure of 140/90, that is called Hypertension according to medical textbooks. Here, systolic blood pressure is 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is 90mmHg.
But before recording that blood pressure and confirming the diagnosis, the doctor must assure that the patient was at rest for at least 30 minutes and the patient didn't smoke or drink etc.
It is funny that some patients can show very high blood pressure only during a doctor's visit. This is called 'White Coat Hypertension'.
Hypertension has 3 grades:
G1: Systolic 140-159, Diastolic 90-99
G2: Systolic 160-179, Diastolic 100-109
G3: Systolic ≥180mmHg, Diastolic ≥110mmg
Causes of Hypertension:
Well, 95% of the cases don't have any definite reason. Those are called ‘Essential Hypertension’ as a medical term. But the rest are related to some conditions:
- Alchololism
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Kidney Disease
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Drugs: Steroids, Birth Control Pills, Anti-depressants etc.
Treatment Strategy:
A registered medical practitioner will prescribe drugs after reviewing the overall condition of a patient. Anti-hypertensive drugs should never be stopped without a doctor's consultation. Also, some advices must be followed by the patient:
- Avoid excessive salt consumption
- Avoid drinking and smoking
- Sleep for at least 7 hours at night
- Reduce excess body fat, etc.
So, check your blood pressure regularly.
Dr. Muhammad Muhidul Islam (MBBS)
Family Physician,
BioMed Diagnostic and Research Laboratory