C-BED Bangladesh completed the first batch training

ছবি: সংগৃহীত
“C-BED Bangladesh” stands for Community-Based Enterprise Development Bangladesh.
On October 30, 2020, AISIMAS Impact Centre Kyoto and NPO Youth International Support Association (YISA) launched a pilot program in Bangladesh using ILO’s Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED) training tools, with which female university students are learning key entrepreneurial skills for successful professional futures.
On January 26, 2021, the first batch of the pilot wassuccessfully completed by five female students who delivered presentations of wonderful business ideas. The International Labour Organization (ILO) high official team and all members of the C-BED Bangladesh team, students, and Miss Shouly Chann,Cambodian national coordinatorfor ILO, joined the business presentation session as a guest.
There are 18 classes training in total, based on unique peer-learning approaches. Young female university students from diverse backgrounds enable empowering their business ideas while tackling persistent gender inequalities.
Due to COVID-19 regulations, the program was kicked-off virtually, marking an important direction for delivering business pieces of training during unprecedented times.C-BED Bangladesh hopes this training inspires future leaders and equips them with tools to succeed in their business endeavors while closing the gender gap and promoting social equality.
The pilot program is funded by the non-profit organization Kazuko Bhuiyan Welfare Trust with itsassociation, an IT enable company Intradoc International from Bangladesh.
The C-BED program is introduced in Bangladesh for the first time, while C-BED has already been delivered in a dozen countries, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Expansion of the program to the Bangladeshi community is an exciting step.
For more details please visit the C-BED Bangladesh website: https://c-bed-bd.com/
C-BED Bangladesh is ready forthe next batch training for both female and male studentsrespectively.