Cleaners of the Digital city are in health risk!

  • Moshahid Ali, Staff Correspondent,
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Picture: Barta24

Picture: Barta24

Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) is called the country's first digital city. But the 600 cleaning workers of this city are at serious health risk due to the adoption of traditional methods. They have chosen this work knowing the risk of life to run a poor family.

Sylhet City Corporation consists of 42 wards. 3 to 5 thousand tons of waste is generated from 42 wards every day. 600 workers work to remove this waste. Among them, 10 cleaners are working in each ward under the local councilor.


Experts say, while doing cleaning work, gastric, skin diseases and respiratory diseases can be attacked by fungi in various places. Also amputations occur frequently.

The relevant authority of SCC said, the message of hope. They say that after taking charge of the new mayor, various initiatives have been taken under his direction. Sanitation workers will soon be given health protective equipment out of the traditional system.


It is known that Sylhet City Corporation waste removal workers do not have masks, hand gloves, gumboots, PP, helmets. They work by hand without using any sanitary equipment to clean the drains. They pick up garbage by hand. Most of the cleaners are not city corporation employed cleaners but work on daily wage basis. Most of them do not know anything related to health.

Recently, several people are working to clean the drains in Ward No. 11, 13 and 14 of the Sylhet City Corporation. Some are removing drain slabs and some are collecting garbage. All of them are working at risk without taking any health protection or safety measures. Sanitation workers are seen collecting and cleaning garbage without health protection masks, gloves and gumboots, PP. Also they don't have enough equipment.

A few cleaners working on daily wages who do not wish to be named said, "Our health protection!" If you don't work, you won't get rice in your stomach! Hands and feet are often amputated while cleaning garbage. Many people get sick while working. Some people get sores on their hands.

He also said that many problems have to be faced while cleaning the drains in different areas of the city. A variety of non-perishable items are available, especially drain odors, plastic bottles and glass mirrors. Hands and feet were cut off while picking them up. Again, there is not enough equipment for garbage collection.

In this regard, the Chief Waste Management Officer of Sylhet City Corporation Mohammad Eklim Abdin told that various initiatives have been taken under his direction after the new mayor took over. Several gumboots have already arrived. Some more gumboots and PPs are being brought up. If you work after them, your feet won't get wet.

He said, it is true that many people cut their hands while working. We are not getting the equipment as per our requirement. The biggest challenge for us is the new wards of SCC. As these wards are very big, we could not bring them under our control. But hopefully, the situation will improve a lot in the next 2-3 months.

If you want to know about this, Sylhet City Corporation Chief Health Officer Dr. Md. Zahidul Islam told that if cleaning workers do not have health protection materials, they can suffer from various diseases including skin and breathing problems.

He said, those who do these things, everyone should work wearing health protective equipment because, if they are not protected, family members can be affected by various diseases through them.

In response to a question Dr. Md. Zahidul Islam said, SCC has health awareness training for cleaners. Such training has been given in the past days. In the future, we will provide all kinds of support from our health department if training measures are taken.