‘Not pressure in the name of studies, development of intelligence is important’

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com, Tungipara
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

We are doing the curriculum in such a way that the children get the opportunity of intellectual thinking. It is not the pressure in the name of studies, but the development of intellectual-mindedness that is important. Emphasis is placed on technical education to see the children of today as the artisans of building a better Bengal of tomorrow.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said these words at the 104th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children's Day at Tungipara on Sunday (March 17) at 11 am.


Mentioning that Bangladesh is always on the side of oppressed people, the head of government said, "Where is the humanity of the world's human rights organizations when Gaza is attacked by talking about children's rights and human rights." I don't know why the world's conscience is not shaken by the attack in Gaza! That's my question?

Stating that the government is working for the development of children, Sheikh Hasina said that the government has made arrangements to get technology education from childhood. The literacy rate has increased from 45 percent to 76.8 percent.


During this, the Prime Minister urged children to be properly educated about the language movement, the history of the victory of the Liberation War and the National Day.