Increasing Tobacco Cultivation in Kushtia: Implications on Public Health

Staff Correspondent,, Kushtia


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Tobacco is being cultivated in vast fields of Mirpur, Bheramara and Daulatpur upazilas of Kushtia. This results in increasing health risks and adversely affecting the environment. Due to excessive application of fertilizers and pesticides in tobacco cultivation, soil fertility is decreasing. Due to good price, farmers are cultivating tobacco by excluding other crops. As a result, there is a risk of disruption of food production.

According to the sources of Agriculture Office, there are 1 lakh 16 thousand hectares of cultivable land in Kushtia district. Boro cultivation is being done there on only 36 thousand 830 hectares of land. On the other hand, among the tobacco companies, British American Tobacco Company, Dhaka Tobacco Company and Abul Khair Tobacco Company have cultivated tobacco on about 12 thousand hectares of land. According to statistics, tobacco cultivation is being done on 3 thousand 696 hectares in Daulatpur of Kushtia, 780 hectares in Bheramara and 6 thousand 455 hectares in Mirpur this year.

Farmers said that they are turning to tobacco cultivation due to non-availability of fair price for the produce and incentives given by various companies.

Various areas of Daulatpur, Mirpur and Bheramara upazilas of the district can be seen, tobacco fields are spread over a wide area. In the fields, some are tending to the tobacco plants; some are cutting the waste leaves. Others are fertilizing the tobacco fields with their family members.

Tobacco farmers said that representatives of various companies have been helping us since the beginning of planting tobacco. Offers a wide range of inputs from seeds to fertilizers and also guarantees good prices. Moreover, it creates cards separately for the target. As a result, farmers are encouraged to grow tobacco. There is no hassle in selling either. However, tobacco cultivation requires a large amount of labor and they continue to grow tobacco despite the health risks.

Jeeban Ali Mandal, a tobacco farmer from Bolidapara area of Mirpur upazila, said, "It costs Tk. 40-45 thousand per bigha of tobacco cultivation. And it is sold for Tk. 80-90 thousand. We grow tobacco because the profit is higher than the cost of production. Who can buy a house or land with that money after getting a big sum of money after the sale?

Anwar Hossain, a farmer of Mashan area, said that the use of additional fertilizer in tobacco cultivation leads to good yield. Various companies help farmers. Again there is no problem in selling. However, there is no market control if tomato or vegetable crops are high. Nor is the price available due to lack of storage. So if there is no good market management and farmers' interests are not protected, farmers will not be interested in cultivating other crops.

Ashraful Islam, a tobacco grower of Fakirabad area, said there is no problem selling tobacco. Various companies encourage farmers to grow tobacco. Through advance loans and cards, tobacco companies supply fertilizers and seeds and purchase tobacco themselves.

Sakhina Bewa said, 'My husband died a long time ago. I can't run a family. In this time of tobacco we get some money if we work.'

She said that she gets Tk. 9 thousand per month. From picking tobacco to setting it on fire, there are various tasks to be done. This work has to be done even if the illness persists.

Environmental expert Gautam Kumar Roy said that food security, public health and environment will be at risk due to tobacco cultivation. He said that 5 metric tons of chalk is required as fuel in the cottage to burn tobacco of one acre of land.

He also said that the trees are destroyed by this. The smoke that comes out when tobacco is burned contains a variety of substances, including fungal nicotine and chemical pesticide drugs that mix with the air. Pesticides that are used until the seedlings are raised are a threat to the environment. 214 species of aquatic animals were destroyed when the rainwater from those lands floated through drains and went to rivers. This destroys habitat and disrupts their reproduction. He mentioned that nicotine smoke is highly toxic.

The land is being destroyed by cultivating tobacco; the crops are not being produced. Children are not getting education. Girls and children are sick. He also said that deforestation is causing air pollution.

Member of District Tobacco Control Act Implementation Task Force Committee and Executive Director of SAF, Mir Abdur Razzak said, "In order to grow tobacco in the village, farmers need to help the housewives (women) in the work, besides school students are involved in tobacco work without going to school. After breaking the tobacco, burning and processing these tasks are also done by women. Many times pregnant women also give birth to disabled children as a result of these actions.

He also said, 'The most tobacco cultivation in the district is in Mirpur and Daulatpur upazilas. And most disabled people are born in these two upazilas. More and more anti-tobacco awareness campaigns should be done. Apart from this, farmers should be encouraged to increase production of vegetables or other crops as substitutes for tobacco and ensure prices. He demanded the introduction of crop insurance to compensate the farmers if the price of alternative farming is reduced or if there is a loss.

However, voluntary organization 'Disha' is working to discourage tobacco cultivation in some areas of Mirpur. Disha agriculturist Zillur Rahman has been working for more than 6 years. First they started working in Kewpur village of Baruipara union. Get good response from farmers. The organization is helping farmers who want to leave tobacco plantations by providing them with training, fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. Along with the agriculture department of the government, with the support of PKSF and the implementation of the direction, we are working to move this agricultural sector forward by keeping in touch with the marginal farmers.

Executive Profile of Disha Organization

Md. Rabiul Islam said, in Mirpur upazila we have been able to encourage 1100 farmers to cultivate other crops and bring them back from tobacco cultivation. Farmers are cultivating various national fruits and mustard along with various winter vegetables in the fields where they used to grow tobacco. As the market price of vegetables is relatively good, more income is being obtained with less effort and less capital.

According to Kushtia Agriculture Extension Department sources, tobacco production continues in the district. But in Daulatpur, Bheramara and Mirpur upazilas more cultivation is done on fertile land.

Sources also said that the production of various types of food grains including rice, wheat, sugarcane, jute, sesame, dal, oil in these three upazilas is more than the desired target. Even after meeting the local demand, about half of the produce is supplied to various districts. But in recent years the amount of land for food crops has decreased and tobacco cultivation has increased. If this trend continues, the Agriculture Department fears that the necessary food production in the district will be disrupted.

Mirpur Upazila Agriculture Officer Abdullah Al Mamun said that the amount of arable land in the upazila is 24 thousand 30 hectares. Out of this, tobacco has been cultivated in 6,500 hectares this year. Earlier wheat, lentils, chickpeas, peas, corn, mustard were cultivated in these lands. Even after meeting the local demand, there was a surplus of two and a half thousand tons of food grains. But the increase in tobacco cultivation has reduced the production of essential food grains.

Due to this, farmers are discouraged from growing tobacco and encouraged to grow alternative profitable crops. Despite that, his plantation did not decrease as expected due to various material supports including cash payment by the companies.

He also said that considering the reality of the region, response will be obtained if the government provides fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and other necessary materials as incentives for the production of alternative crops. Otherwise, if tobacco cultivation continues, there is a danger of disrupting the necessary food production in the district.

Saleh Kabir Majnun Panna, Head teacher of Daulatpur Autism and Disability School, said, "The number of disabled children in our upazila is very high. Many times tobacco work is done by women. As a result, they may have problems conceiving children. Besides, if involved in this work during pregnancy, the child may be disabled. Therefore, a large amount of tobacco is grown in this upazila and the rate of disability is high because women are involved in this work, he said.

Deputy Director of Kushtia Agricultural Extension Department Hayat Mahmud said, 'It takes six months to produce tobacco. But in the same season, it is possible to earn double the income by cultivating different crops including wheat, lentils, chickpeas, peas, corn and mustard on the same amount of land as a crop for three months. We do not have the power to enforce the law to stop tobacco cultivation. Awareness is being raised to discourage farmers. He also thinks that the situation can improve if the farmers are aware at the field level.

Kushtia Civil Surgeon Dr. Akul Uddin said that the Health Department of the district is conducting various programs about the adverse effects of tobacco. Tobacco cultivation and consumption causes severe damage to sensitive organs of the human body including kidneys, heart, lungs. Tobacco has been cultivated in dangerous levels in the district.

Three doctors are absent for a long time causing sufferings to the patients

Staff Correspondent,


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The government has taken various initiatives to ensure the presence of doctors and officials in government hospitals. However, a different picture is seen in Barishal's 50- bed Agailjhara Upazila Health Complex. Three doctors of the hospital have been absent for a long time. As a result, patients have to suffer due to lack of proper healthcare.

Allegedly, medical services at the hospital have come to a standstill due to lack of strict supervision. Therefore, many patients are forced to seek treatment in private hospitals.

According to hospital sources, Dr. Abu Bakar Siddique joined Agailjhara Upazila Health Complex as Medical Officer on July 1, 2011. He has been absent since January 4, 2012 after staying at the hospital for just five months. Similarly, Dr. Soma Halder joined the health complex on October 8, 2014. She has also been absent since November 5, 2015, after serving for one year.

Sources also said that Dr. Shahana Rahman joined the hospital on November 25, 2023. She has not been coming to the hospital for the past 8 months.

Although the three mentioned doctors are absent for a long time, no appointments are being made in their place. As a result, patient services are constantly disrupted. Besides, the hospital authorities are also in trouble.

A responsible source of the hospital, on condition of anonymity, said that this alarming situation has arisen due to the non-punishment of those who are negligent in fulfilling their duties. Also there is a lack of strong supervision.

Upazila Health Officer Dr. Bakhtiar Al Mamun said that Dr. Abu Bakr Siddiq and Dr. Soma Halder have been given letters to join the workplace several times. But they are still not back to work. A departmental case is ongoing against them. In addition, Dr. Shahana Rahman has been given several letters to join the work. The Civil Surgeon's office has also been informed about the matter.

He also said that the information of doctors is sent to higher authorities and ministries every month. As such, the ministry is aware of the matter. According to the latest information, one doctor may be out of a job. Of the remaining two, one is abroad, the other I don't know where. Regarding the appointment of doctors, he said, appointment is not possible until the posts are vacant. As a result, it will take time to find a new doctor.


Three coordinators in DB for interrogation

Staff Correspondent,
Pic: Collected

Pic: Collected

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Detective Branch (DB) of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police has taken three people, including Nahid Islam, one of the coordinators of the anti-discrimination student movement, into custody from Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital in the capital. The other two coordinators are Asif Mahmud and Abu Baker Majumdar.

A DB source confirmed this information on Friday (July 26) night.

DB said three coordinators have been brought to the DB office for security and interrogation purposes.

All three of them are students of Dhaka University.


What the Home Minister said about lifting of the curfew

Staff Correspondent,
Pic: Collected

Pic: Collected

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Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said, everyone has to wait a little with the curfew till public life becomes normal. We are looking at whether the curfew can be relaxed.

He said these things while talking to reporters about the ongoing situation on Friday (July 26) night.

The Home Minister said, we are seeing if the curfew can be relaxed. Police BGB, Army are working. We have to wait a little until public life becomes normal. People should be patient. He also said that a decision may be made subject to discussion on Saturday (July 27).

At that time, he mentioned that there were brutal killings in the name of the movement, and he said, who will take responsibility for this loss of the country? BNP said they are not involved in violence. So who did it? It is a question of the people.

Regarding the arrest of the quota activists, the Home Minister said that the quota agitator leaders themselves are suffering from insecurity. For their safety, law enforcement has been called. Further action will be taken after the inquiry.

Incidentally, the government clamped a curfew from 12 midnight on July 19 to keep the situation normal around the quota reform movement. The army was also deployed.

The curfew was later relaxed for a specified period but has not yet been lifted completely.


Government to provide treatment & income to all injured: Prime Minister

Staff Correspondent,
Photo: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Photo: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the government will provide treatment and income to all those injured in the recent violence, regardless of party affiliation.

She said this while visiting the injured at Dhaka Medical College Hospital on Friday (July 26). Meanwhile, she inquired about the physical condition of the injured.

Sheikh Hasina said that the government will do whatever is necessary for the treatment of those injured in the violence. The government will take responsibility for the treatment of the injured, whichever party they belong to.

She also said, even after accepting all the demands on the quota, why is the movement not ending? Everyone at home and abroad should be vocal against the violence and brutality of BNP-Jamaat.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister visited several wards of Dhaka Medical College Hospital and inquired about the injured. She talked to doctors and nurses. She ordered to give all kinds of treatment to the injured.

Earlier in the morning, the head of government visited the Bangladesh Television (BTV) building damaged by vandals' attack and fire at Rampura in the capital.
