Duplicity of contemporary politics and Rizvi's 'conviction'

  • Ashraful Islam, Planning Editor, Barta24.com, Dhaka
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Photo: Barta24

Photo: Barta24

I heard a folk saying many years ago. The editor of a regional newspaper often used to say, "Ganjakhor will be tried, opium takers will be judged". Although I did not try to understand the meaning of his words then, I remembered the words while observing the contemporary politics of the country. Today, BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi in a program in front of the party office in Nayapaltan in the capital gave a firm conviction on the question of protecting the country's integrity and said, "Don't let Bangladesh become another Kashmir".

It has to be said about the matter in simple judgment, why will Bangladesh become another Kashmir after getting its independence by war of liberation? As the leader of the party he gave this warning to, BNP was in power when we saw an attempt to turn the country into 'Afghanistan or Pakistan' with ten trucks of weapons. After the capture of the ten truckloads of weapons in question, when the evidence of the involvement of the top officials of the then government came out in the trial, it became visible who is the threat to sovereignty in the country's politics.


Undoubtedly, the general public has many questions about the quality of our contemporary politics or the ethics of politicians. It cannot be denied that politicians fail in most cases to achieve public satisfaction. But when a politician of the country raises the question of protecting sovereignty, the question remains whether the position of his political party is contradictory from a moral point of view. None of us disagrees with the public demand for good governance and social and economic equality that people expect from politicians. Logically, the anti-government parties will continue to struggle for these basic demands. The role of shadow government is played through such activities of political parties. People benefit from this kind of opposition.

The people of this region who have always protested against colonial rule-exploitation have been fighting for their independence-autonomy or as a final result 'full self rule' for many ages. The colonial monsters have succumbed to the struggle inspired by the hearts of the people. This trend of struggle has always been maintained in the tradition of the country's political development since the birth of independent Bangladesh and in the later era. But contemporary politics cannot be reconciled with our traditional traditions.


But it is not only Ruhul Kabir Rizvi who makes such rude comments. We often hear such empty statements in the arena of politics at this time. This makes two things clear; firstly, the indolence of politicians, secondly, the tendency to attack the opponent, in whatever way it may be, thirdly, strong desire to rise to power rather than public interest.

Like other political parties in the country, these trends are evident in the BNP and its leadership. In the transformation of Bangladesh into a developed country, the parties, according to themselves, are giving the people various hopes. But they do not accept the knowledge-based and visionary practice model of the politicians of the developed countries of the present world though our politicians often visit developed countries. It is heard that many people have built second homes in those countries. But unfortunately there is no willingness among them to acquire or utilize the knowledge and technology that advance the society and the state.

Let's come to the main topic, India, our true friend and main ally in the Great War of Liberation. The deep historical, ethnographic and common linguistic and cultural ties between Bangladesh and India are as enviable as they are rare. But the spirited effort to tear apart that sweet harmony has been strong since independence. The fact remains that a section of the country's political elite is not ready to accept this solidarity. One can find harmony in their speech with the ideology of the invading Pakistanis in the 1971. Along with personal and party interests, this conflict is largely ideological. For which in 1971 the entire nation was united on the question of freedom, but a small part took the opposite role and joined the Bengali killings with the enemies of the motherland. That small part has been greatly strengthened and strengthened by political indulgence in the last half century. That is why such a statement came to not allow Bangladesh to become Kashmir.

These politicians have nothing to do with the reality that protecting the independence of Bangladesh is essential for India's own needs. And this amazing work has been done by every government since Mrs. Indira Gandhi and will continue to do so in the future. The country's foreign policy, more precisely the 'Bangladesh policy' has not changed; Instead, more robust 'neighborhood first' programs have been added.

It can be said that trying to mislead common people with 'day blind' type statements will not go far. Therefore, it is important for the parties to be more focused to bridge the void of quality and vision that has become evident in our contemporary politics. And without losing sight of the dream of a developed country by 2041, a radical change in mindset and values within political parties and leadership is first required. Because if there is no qualitative change in politics, how will the leadership of the transformation of the developed country be created?