Today is Sheikh Hasina's homecoming day

  • News Desk,, Dhaka
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

After the killing of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family August 15, 1975 Sheikh Hasina had returned to the soil of Bangladeshi after a long exile on May 17,1981. She arrived at the then Dhaka Kurmitola Airport from New Delhi via Kolkata at 4:30 pm on that day.

On the night of August 15, 1975, a group of misled army officers killed Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family through the most brutal murder in history. Bangabandhu's two daughters, Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana, survived because they were abroad. After the assassination of Bangabandhu, the killer group started a multifaceted conspiracy to endanger the existence of the Bengali nation by destroying the spirit of the liberation war in independent-sovereign Bangladesh.


In the life of the Bengali nation, the darkness was pressing like a rock. In the same way, in the absence of Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina, she was elected the president of the organization in the national conference of Awami League held on February 14, 15 and 16, 1981. The sacred responsibility of leading the struggle for the liberation of the motherland is entrusted to the hands of the eldest daughter of the Father of the Nation. Assassination group fears the leadership of Bangabandhu's daughter. The murderous military junta led by Ziaur Rahman created all kinds of obstacles to prevent Sheikh Hasina from returning to her homeland.

Sheikh Hasina returned to her beloved homeland on May 17, 1981, ignoring the bloodshed and restrictions of the military ruler. She returned to Bangabandhu's Bangladesh after a long 6-year exile. That day the capital Dhaka became a city of processions. From morning till midnight, the city of Dhaka vibrated with processions and slogans. Bad weather and heavy rain could not stop the march of millions of people that day. Kurmitola International Airport and Sher-e-Bangla Nagar turned into a sea of people.


Dhaka, the capital, was the destination of people from all over Bangladesh that day to catch a glimpse of Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina. The immortal slogan of independence, 'Jai Bangla, Jai Bangabandhu' vibrated the air and air of Bengal. The voice of the crowd thunderously proclaimed 'Hasina, I promised you, I will avenge the murder of my father'; "We are with you in the dark night of storm and rain". "Sheikh Hasina's arrival, welcome with greetings".

Sheikh Hasina assumed responsibility as the President of Awami League with a firm promise to implement the ideals and dreams of Bangabandhu back home, to prosecute the murder of Bangabandhu and four national leaders, to restore the lost democratic rights of the people by ending the dictatorship forever, to establish a sovereign parliamentary system and to establish a government.

When the plane carrying Sheikh Hasina was seen in the sky at 4:30 that afternoon, thousands of people entered the airport ignoring all controls and requests. The plane landed with a lot of risk. The crowd moves right up to the airport tarmac. After several attempts the truck was taken just in front of the cockpit door after the flow of the crowd was somewhat diverted. At this time, Sheikh Hasina waved to the crowd from inside.

At 4:32 PM, Sheikh Hasina came down from the plane to the truck. It took 3 hours to reach Sher-e-Bangla Nagar of Sheikh Hasina from Kurmitola. At this time, city life is almost endangered due to stormy rains. Hundreds of thousands of people wait on the roads when normal life is disrupted. At 7:30 in the evening, she appeared on the public reception stage.

On May 17, 1981, Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina said in response to the reception of millions of people in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar amid storms and clouds and people's tears of joy, 'I came to you after losing everything, I sacrificed my life to avenge the killing of the Father of the Nation by implementing his ideals on the path indicated by Bangabandhu want to do.'

She also said, I have nothing to lose. I have come to you having lost my parents, brother Russell and all, I want to get them back among you. With you, I want to put a smile on the faces of the suffering people of Bengal by implementing it in the way indicated by Bangabandhu. We want to take away the socio-economic as well as overall freedom of the Bengali nation.

The historic homecoming day of Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina is a significant event in the journey of restoring the spirit of the great liberation war and establishing a prosperous Bangladesh. After August 15, 1975, when our beloved motherland was torn apart by the perfidious, traitorous, murderous traitors, when our national life was disturbed by the fierce violence of the traitors, Sheikh Hasina's historic homecoming was an eternal inspiration to win the hill like rainwater of Sravan. On that day, the tears of Bangabandhu's daughter's homecoming, the seeds of crisis were planted in the land of birth.

Sheikh Hasina's uninterrupted long struggle began with the historic homecoming. Her fearless struggle against the military junta and dictatorship continued for 16 long years. Jail-tyranny, torture, nothing could sway her from her path even one iota. She was never persevered even in the face of adversity. She repeatedly ignored the bloodshed of autocracy, risking her life to restore the lost rights of the people of Bengal appeared as the ideal of democracy.

After assuming office of the Awami League President, in the long 43 years of political life, under the leadership of Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina, the end of dictatorship, restoration of democracy, Bengali’s right to food and vote has been established. A smile has appeared on the faces of the sad people of Bengal. Bangladesh has achieved self-sufficiency in food. The trial of the murderers of Bangabandhu and the murderous anti-humanity war criminals of 1971 has been completed and the verdict has been executed. Bangladesh, once plagued by poverty and famine, is moving forward in a new journey of world conquest due to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's opportune leadership, competence, dedication, talent-mindedness, skill, creativity, liberal democratic vision and visionary leadership. Bangladesh has been established as a self-respecting nation in the World Assembly. Bangladesh has turned from a less developed country into a developing country by overcoming the stigma of a bottomless basket.

Sheikh Hasina has been recognized as one of the best statesmen in the contemporary world for her political wisdom, integrity, talent, skills and qualities. She has become the creator of the new history of Bangladesh in the glory of her work; mountain peak is a symbol of success, a pillar of development. The shape of developed and prosperous Bangladesh is the trustful address of Bengalis' hopes and dreams, the charioteer of Bengali's world conquest the brightest light of world politics - a world-renowned leader as the spokesperson of backward nations and peoples in the international arena. The 'blue bird' who returns from the door of death again and again is a dying free man. She is the mother of humanity's adventurer, the self-empowering truth-seeker. Progress-development is a pure estuary of peace and prosperity. In a word, Awami League President Sheikh Hasina's career is rich in achievements like the sea.

Sheikh Hasina's long 43-year movement-struggle was never smooth, it was noisy and fraught with danger. She has been repeatedly attacked by assassins and tortured in prison for the crime of agitating for the liberation of the people. But she was steadfast, firm and courageous like her father in the matter of establishing the rights of the people of Bengal and the principles and ideals. Having been anointed by the people's love, she has been making groundbreaking contributions to the socio-economic development of the country and the welfare of people of all classes and professions.

Like Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina has implemented multi-dimensional initiatives for the welfare of the soil and people of this country whenever she assumed the responsibility of running the country. Her political strength is her immense love and inexhaustible love for the soil and people of Bangladesh.