UK will send back more than 10 thousand Bangladeshis

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The United Kingdom has recently signed a fast-track return agreement with Bangladesh to send back illegal Bangladeshi migrants. Under this agreement, Bangladeshi citizens whose asylum applications were rejected will be repatriated.

The number of Bangladeshi citizens whose asylum applications have been rejected may be more than 10,000. The British newspaper The Telegraph reported this information in a report on Thursday (May 16).


Bangladeshis are among the top abusers of the country's visa system, having originally entered the UK on visas.

According to the media, last year about 11 thousand Bangladeshis entered Britain with visas only in an attempt to stay in the country permanently. And after entering the country, they submitted an asylum application.

According to The Telegraph report, migrants have come to Britain on international student, worker or visitor visas and claimed political asylum since March last year. Basically, they used these visas in an attempt to use them as a 'back door' to enter Britain.

However, only 5 percent of Bangladeshis' initial asylum applications in the country are successful. That means more than 10 thousand Bangladeshis will be sent back from UK.

In this situation, UK illegal immigration minister Michael Tomlinson signed a fast-track return agreement with Bangladesh.

Under the deal, deportations will be made easier not only for failed asylum seekers, but also for foreign nationals who are criminals and people who have overstayed after entering Britain on a visa.

According to official documents released in April, a record 21,525 visa holders have applied for asylum in the UK as of March 2023 which is 154 percent more than the previous year.