Admission seekers of Dhaka University want to sit for admission test again

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Rangpur: Students from all levels of Rangpur submitted a memorandum to the Chief Advisor through the Deputy Commissioner, demanding the opportunity to re-sit the admission test of Dhaka University.

This memorandum was presented at the Rangpur Deputy Commissioner's office on Thursday (September 19) at noon


In the memorandum, the students highlighted their demands and pointed out that many talented students could not appear in the exam despite adequate preparation, facing various problems. Due to lack of opportunity for second time admission test, there have been incidents of suicide of students in different places. Therefore, they demanded that the really talented and qualified students should be given the opportunity to take the exam in Dhaka University for the second time.

They also mentioned that out of the 4 autonomous universities of the country, 3 have the opportunity to take the entry exam for the second time. However, despite the possibility of second admission in Dhaka University from the beginning, the then VC unethically and unfairly canceled the chance of a second examination from the academic year 2014-2015 without the decision of the Senate and Syndicate, against the 1973 Ordinance.
