16-member medical board formed for treatment of national poet's grandson

Photo: Collected
A 16-member medical board has been formed for the treatment of national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam's grandson Babul Kazi (59), who was burnt in a gas lighter explosion in the bathroom of his Banani residence in the capital.
The board was formed on Saturday (January 18) afternoon, headed by the director of the National Burn and Plastic Surgery Institute. Shaon Bin Rahman, resident physician of the institute's emergency department, confirmed this information.
Earlier, the incident took place at a house on Road No. 109, Road No. 23, Banani around 5:30 am. Relatives admitted him to the Burn Institute in the early morning while he was burnt.
Khilkhil Kazi, the elder sister of burnt Babul Kazi, said that Babul Kazi's house is on Road No. 23, Banani. He lives there with his wife Nadira Farzana Runa, two sons and a daughter. Babul Kazi is a garment businessman.
She also said that Babul Kazi had a habit of smoking. When he woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom to light a cigarette with a gas lighter, an explosion immediately occurred. Then he opened the bathroom door himself and went out. Then his wife and children took him out of the house and took him directly to the hospital. It is believed that the explosion may have been caused by methane gas in the bathroom. Dr. Md. Maruful Islam, acting director of the Burn Institute, said, "In the morning, his relatives brought him to the hospital in a burnt condition. 74 percent of his body was burned. In addition, his airway was also damaged. He is currently undergoing treatment in the ICU. His condition is very critical."