The system of casting vote in the EVM

  • Staff Correspondent,, Dhaka
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photo: collected

photo: collected

Voting in two Dhaka City Corporations will be held on Saturday (Feb.1) using Electronic Voting Machines(EVM). No paper ballot will be used this time. 

First, a voter has to find out their number and the name of the designated polling stations.  Then the voter will have to check a list to find out the designated polling booth.


The voter’s identity will be confirmed first in the presence of the presiding officer. The voters may have to queue for identification.

For identification, assistant presiding officers will use the voters’ smart NID cards, or the 10-digit smart NID card number, or the laminated NID card number of 13 or 17 digits, or the voter number.


The officials will check the fingerprint for confirmation of identity. Once confirmed, a tick mark will be given next to the voter’s name and they will be marked on a finger with ink.  

The voter will then be allowed to cast the vote.

How to vote:

At a covered place, the voter will cast the votes on electronic ballots issued by the presiding officer for the posts of mayor and councilor and the councilor reserved for women.

The ballots look like tablet PCs with buttons.

There will be names of the candidates and their symbols on the electronic ballots. A white button will be there next to each candidate.

Pressing the white button next to the chosen candidate will be considered as “Select”.

To validate the vote, the voter will then press the green “Confirm” button. One thing is important that after pressing the green button, it can never be corrected or amended.