Conflict is a non-finite action!

  • Dr. Mahfuz Parvez, Associate Editor,
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The combined appearance of so much death, so much blood, so much destruction, so much violence, is terrible and pitiful. Bangladesh has been burnt and bloody due to the unexpected events of mid-July 2024. The fresh memories of the countrymen are touched by panic, fear and anxiety, which gradually appear to be relieved, but one question has kept everyone occupied, who won in this conflict and unprecedented anarchy? Who is defeated?

There is no easy or one-word answer because anarchy is the name of a disordered situation. Reason and reason do not work in anarchist conflicts. And conflict is an infinite action. A vicious circle continues to grow. One conflict leads to another conflict. Conflict engulfs everything.


Because of conflict and anarchy, no action, protest, resistance, movement can stand still. The situation turns into a destructive rampage. Not every line of argument can stay within the bounds of the rules. It goes out of control. The result is total devastation, countless deaths and endless bloodshed. Both parties are facing immense losses. The level of damage is more than imagined.

In situations of conflict and anarchy there is an unbridled rage. Anger and violence took over the whole situation. Madness runs wild like wild animals. Mass frenzy can be seen in destruction. Can anyone tell exactly why it happened? Maybe it will be known if sociological-psychological research is done. Maybe its political causes will be known. But it will not be possible to compensate for the human and material losses. Maybe after the destruction there will be construction. After death there will be rebirth. However, smudge marks and scratches will not be easily removed.

Mass frenzy is the organized form of conflict and anarchy. The often brutal thrashing of living people on suspicion of child abduction or alleged theft is actually a kind of mass frenzy, a heterogeneous manifestation of conflict mentality and anarchic mentality. An unexpected event erupts when society and people fall under the grip of instability.

hat is why peace, balance and stability are essential in society. And mass frenzy is very dangerous for the sake of a peaceful, normal society and the safety of people. Its real cause must be found out. Otherwise it will fester and erupt with intense pain and feed the stream of conflict and anarchy like an infinite action that has no beginning but no end. Rather, more conflicts will arise from it. More anarchy, more mayhem and frenzy.

In mid-July 2024, there was a conflict in the destruction-marked and blood-soaked course of events. There was anarchy. There was chaos. There was mass frenzy. Everything was there. All that was missing was conscience, logic, humanity, tolerance. The whole country and nation had to suffer the consequences. People had to return to the rhythm of normal life at great cost and through the black watch of fear.

Conflict among countries in the world is a terrible danger. Due to political reasons, social differences, economic disparities, ethnic conflicts, ideological differences, many countries have reached the brink of destruction. Conflict-ridden societies are bloody, people are endangered.

The unprecedented flow of events in mid-July is proof of how serious the conflict can be in the case of Bangladesh, a small country with a large population. It is necessary to find a way out of the conflict by learning from this unfortunate and unfortunate incident. It is important to ensure that the course of disagreements and debates does not lead to conflicts. It is prudent to adopt the strategy of resolving conflicts not through conflict, but through dialogue and compromise. The cost-effective, peaceful and prudent approach to crisis resolution and crisis mitigation is not by pushing into opposing camps, but by pulling together in an inclusive spirit.

Bangladesh, an emerging economy, has to overcome endless obstacles to move forward. We have to fight against price rise, corruption, irregularity in getting jobs and various types of disorganization. This journey is not smooth. If the monster of conflict comes and attacks, then all the hard-earned achievements will become dust. Pioneering Bangladesh will continue to fall behind. The suffering of the people of Bangladesh will continue to increase.

Who will benefit in such a complex situation? Who will win? Who will lose? Even without answering these questions, it can be said for sure that there will be no gain without the loss of huge people of Bangladesh. In fact conflict, anarchy, frenzy ultimately benefits no one. Just like an infinite action can throw everyone into an endless pit of destruction

Dr. Mahfuz Parvez: Associate Editor,; Professor, Department of Political Science, Chattogram University and Executive Director, Chattogram Center for Regional Studies, Bangladesh (CCRSBD).