BNP rally means arson and bloodshed: Obaidul Quader

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Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader commented that BNP rally means arson and bloodshed.


He made this comment after the joint meeting at the party's central office on Bangabandhu Avenue at 4 pm on Friday (May 10).

Obaidul Quader said that the BNP is once again creating chaos and terror in the country in the name of rally. Many people say that they are holding counter rallies. But today we did not have any rally. We will hold the rally, because BNP's rally means arson, chaos, bloodshed. If we leave the entire capital to BNP, there may be a problem in the safety of people's life and property. This is why we have to stay.


He said, BNP is afraid of the voters, so they do not come to the elections; they boycott the elections due to this fear.

General Secretary of Awami League said that BNP acting chairman Tareq Rahman fled to London on bail in 2007. Even today, that leader did not have the honest courage to return to the country. The leader who runs the BNP is remote leadership. If there is no leadership in the country, the movement will never succeed. If the movement fails, it also fails in the election.