Rally started at Nayapaltan demanding Khaleda's release

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
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Photo: Barta24.com

Photo: Barta24.com

The rally started demanding the unconditional release of BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia, who is undergoing treatment in the hospital.

The rally started in front of the party's central office in Nayapaltan around 3:30 pm on Saturday (June 29). The party's secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir will speak as the chief guest at the event under the chairmanship of BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas.


Meanwhile, after 12 o'clock, ignoring the drizzle, the leaders and workers of BNP and other party organizations began to gather at the rally venue in a piecemeal procession. As time progressed, Nayapaltan became active with the movement of activists. A stream of activists has already descended on Nayapaltan.

It has been seen that the BNP leaders and activists came to the rally place with a procession from the surrounding areas of Nayapaltan. Leaders and activists are chanting slogans with national and party flags, banners, festoons and placards from different units of Dhaka. Leaders and activists have also come from the surrounding districts of Dhaka. They participated in the rally wearing different colored caps. The entire Nayapaltan area has become buzzing with the procession and slogans of the activists.


Heavy presence of police was observed in Nayapaltan area around the rally. They are on alert to face any situation.