JP leaders and activists are worried about the political future of their party

  • Searjul Islam Siraj, Special Correspondent,
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

Dhaka: The leaders of the Jatiya Party in the opposition seat of the outgoing parliament are worried about the politics of the change in the political scenario. The Chief Adviser of the interim government Dr. Muhammad Yunus did not invite them to the meeting, leaving many in doubt about the future of the party.


On August 5, the day of the downfall of the Awami League government, the Jatiya Party was very happy to be invited to the army chief's meeting and the president's meeting. Even after the central office was vandalized, set on fire and the chairman's office was vandalized and looted, it was very strong. Even though their two main offices were attacked on the same day as the Sheikh Hasina government fell, they suppressed the matter.

Everything was going well, after the name was announced, the Chief Adviser of the interim government. Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader congratulated Dr. Muhammad Yunus. But on August 12, despite meeting with BNP-Jamaat and smaller political parties, JP did not receive a call. Rumor has it that the Jatiya Party made a lot of money for the meeting. But in the end the party did not get a response from the Chief Advisor.


And since that incident, the frustration among the activists has started to increase. Many think that the future of the Jatiya Party is dark. Meanwhile, Jatiya Party's concern about taking over the Tejgaon office has increased. The party has participated in the elections since the 2008 elections, sometimes willingly and sometimes under pressure. The leaders of various political parties think that the Awami League got some advantage in the elections of 2014, 2018 and 2024 because of the Jatiya Party. And JP has forgotten about the common people's share of power. No attempt was made to organize and popularize the party.

Since 2008, the Jatiya Party has been elected to the parliament with the Awami League in various ways. Sometimes as a partner in the government (2008 and 2014) and even in 2014, JP set the rare precedent of being in the government and the opposition at the same time. At that time, Hussain Muhammad Ershad's Jatiya Party was in the cabinet of the government and in the seat of the opposition party for the whole 5 years amid fierce criticism within the party. Party Chief Hussain Muhammad Ershad was the special envoy of the then Prime Minister in ministerial capacity. And senior co-chairman Roushan Ershad was in the seat of the leader of the opposition.

In the 2024 elections, most of the political parties boycotted the elections, but the Jatiya Party participated in the elections under the leadership of GM Quader. 26 seats were given by Awami League. Out of that only 11 seats were won by JP candidates. GM Quader sat in the chair of the opposition leader of the Jatiyo Sangsad.

Although the Jatiya Party has always said that they went to the election under pressure. He is claimed to have stayed with the Awami League in the face of threats at times. But the common people from the political parties are not accepting their speech that way. The government has been accused of laziness. On the one hand, the laziness of the government and on the other hand, there has been no program on the ground for a long time, and the concern has increased among the Jatiya Party.

Especially in the past there are many precedents of the party being overwhelmed in the local government elections, not getting suitable candidates to stand in the elections. Only 3 chairmen were elected in the Upazila Parishad elections, and JP symbol Plough won the post of City Corporation Mayor only in Rangpur. In the last Jatiyo Sangsad(JS) elections, the number of party nomination forms sold increased to show the popularity of the party. It was said in the press conference that interest in the Jatiya Party has increased due to which 1752 forms have been sold. Jatiya Party filers in the Election Commission show below 300 as income (year 2023).

Jatiya Party's anxiety has increased when VP Noor is close to the Dr. Yunus government and the anti-discrimination movement. VP Noor said, a parasite, foot-licking broker like Jatiya Party will not be given space. Jatiya Party Bangladesh political virus how this virus comes to Bangabhaban! This national party should be banned. After the speech of VP Noor, there was a strong reaction among the leaders and workers of the Jatiya Party. Leaders are sharing photos of VP Noor greeting former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina by touching her feet on Facebook.

The party has not seen any visible programs on the field for several years. Party activities were limited to speeches and statements in parliament on general public issues. On the one hand, the anger of going with the Awami League in one-sided elections, on the other hand, their silence on public grievances is distancing them from the common people day by day.

In addition, the leadership crisis has become evident. The Jatiya Party, founded by military ruler Hussain Muhammad Ershad, is perhaps the most fractured party on record. 6 political parties named Jatiya Party are roaming the field. The party has lost many influential leaders at every turn. Many leaders have lost their lives because of Ershad's unilateral decision. A new Jatiya Party was formed under the leadership of Ershad's wife Roushan. The party lost several influential leaders there. Those who used to come with a large number of people to hold any program in the capital have now flocked to Roushan's group.

The instability prevailing in the Jatiya Party can be seen in recent activities. The party's central office on Pioneer Road was vandalized, looted and set on fire on August 5. Till now that office has not been repaired. Even after the incident, party chairman GM Quader and general secretary Mujibul Haque Chunnu have not visited the site till now. This has seen anger and frustration among the activists.

The Jatiya Party has announced that it will support the interim government even if it does not call for a meeting. No questions are echoed by the advisors of the interim government. Their activities are limited to speech statements as before.