Corridor given to India in the name of transit: AB Party

, Politics

Special Correspondent,, Dhaka | 2024-06-24 18:40:27

Corridors have been given to India in the name of transit. Amar Bangladesh  Party (AB Party) has claimed that India will be able to travel freely, there is no such agreement anywhere in the world.

Such a demand was made at a press conference at its own office in Bijaynagar of the capital on Monday (June 24).

Speakers said, India's behavior is not friendly, it is constantly oppressed. If weapons are transported by train, if there is any problem. There is no telling what will happen then. Not reporting this is also a big crime. 3 agreements renewed 7 agreements or MoUs signed. The nation needed to be informed, but the nation was kept in the dark. Article 145/A of the Constitution states that if an international agreement is made, Parliament must be notified. But the puppet MPs are not asking any questions.

Party convener AFM Solaiman Chowdhury said that the government is trying to stay in power forever. The illegitimate government must be overthrown at once.

Joint convener Advocate AB Tajul Islam said, a typed of deed has been brought to Delhi, it has been brought with a mortgage. It is the responsibility of political parties to make people aware. The Prime Minister said, India will always remember what you brought! Clarify every issue; otherwise a strong movement will be formed with the people.

He said, what format has been agreed on digital partnership. Why is privacy protected? That's why the doubt is increasing. Whether giving free access to India. India wants to make Bangladesh a subservient country. Sikkim, Assam was not a part of India at one time. Its needle has become loose and has come out. That's how they got their attention towards Bangladesh.

Barrister Sheikh Asaduzzaman Fuad said, I tried to find out about the Prime Minister's two-day visit, unfortunately not much was known. As far as I know it's awful and not helpful at all. Blue economy, cyber security and rail lines seem to be very sensitive. It did not protect the interests of Bangladesh. The betrayal government of 1/11, wanted trans-Asian connectivity. Now Bangladesh is in India. 850-1100 km transit corridors are being given.

He said that it is the responsibility of every generation to protect sovereignty, the time has come to decide whether they want to live in a Bangladesh state or a subservient state.

He warned India that the Awami League government does not mean Bangladesh. You can make many agreements but you cannot implement them excluding the people. There are many precedents of uprooting railway lines, setting fire to coaches in our country.

Colonel (retd.) Didarul Alam said that the constitution is being violated by not disclosing the agreement. Talpatti we lost, transit gave us no use, what if weapons enter. We have no chance to check. There are 54 transboundary rivers, each one dammed, no law they follow. The government is not protesting.

Major (Retd.) Abdul Wahab Minar said, historically none of the agreements signed with India have gone in favor of Bangladesh. It is futile to hope that it will go for Bangladesh this time. Nothing can be asked for from this government. So you have to fight and get it.

Referring to the statement of Bangladesh Police Association, he said that they stood up to protect the evil deeds of police. TIB said they cannot make this statement. It is a blatant interference in journalism. 

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