The white paper drafting committee will highlight the issue of corruption, not catch the culprits: Dr. Devapriya

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Photo: Dr. Devapriya

Photo: Dr. Devapriya

 Dhaka: The Chief of the White Paper drafting committee and notable economist Dr. Devapriyo Bhattacharya said that instead of catching the corrupts, the white paper drafting committee will work to determine the extent of corruption in any sector.

He said, it is not a committee to catch corruption. This committee will find out why the corruption happened. Moreover, this committee will work to support the government's initiative to reform the financial sector.


Dr. Devapriya Bhattacharya said these things at a press briefing organized on the occasion of the first meeting of the committee held at the General Economics Division (GED) conference room in the Planning Commission premises in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar on Thursday (August 29).

He said, this committee will not evaluate banks or the financial sector. The government will make a separate banking commission for that. However, this committee will consider various aspects of any specific institution in the committee's activities


Dr. Debapriya said that the outgoing government has made many policies. Their relevance will be reviewed.

Besides, suggestions will be made on how the 9th Five Year Plan will be, how smooth the transition from LDCs will be. In addition, there will be hints about how the relationship with foreign partners will be in the future.

In response to a question, he further said that various aspects of the mega project will be looked into. However, this committee will not verify the cost or justification of any particular project.

Earlier, the government constituted a committee headed by Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya to draft a white paper on the prevailing economic situation of the country. On Wednesday night Md. Ahsan Kibria Siddiqui, the director general of the department signed a notification issued by the administration department of the Chief Adviser's office.