Flood in Feni: death rises to 23

  • District Correspondent, Barta24.com
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Pic: Barta24.com

Pic: Barta24.com

Dead bodies are floating one after another in Feni due to severe floods. So far, the district administration has confirmed the death of 23 people in the district. Earlier, the deputy commissioner's office had confirmed the death of 17 people.

Dead bodies are coming floating from different parts of the district. Four bodies were recovered from different places in two days. A woman has been identified among them. Another woman and two men have not been identified. The police believe that they died due to drowning in flood water.


According to the information given by the district administration, among the dead are 14 men, 5 women and 4 children. 16 of them have been identified. The identity of the remaining 7 people could not be confirmed. Among the dead are 3 people in Feni Sadar, 2 people in Daganbhuana, 7 people in Fulgazi, 6 people in Sonagazi, 3 people in Chagalnaya and 2 people in Parshuram upazila.

On Thursday and Friday (August 29 and 30), four bodies were recovered from separate places in Sadar, Fulgazi and Sonagazi upazilas of the district.


According to local sources, the body of an unidentified old woman was recovered from the river in Lemua area of Feni Sadar upazila on Friday afternoon. Her age is approximately 70 years. The body was sent to Feni General Hospital.

Earlier, the body of Rajab Bibi (23) was recovered from the west side of Killar Dighi in Amjadhat of Fulgazi Upazila of the district on Thursday. Rajab Bibi is the daughter of Nurul Islam alias Nuru Mia of North Dharmapur village. She was buried in the family graveyard.

Police recovered two more bodies from Muhuri project and Char Abdullah area in Sonagazi in the afternoon and evening of this day. One of them is about 40 years old. Another 30 years. They were wearing lungis. As the identity of the recovered body could not be identified, one person was buried after the namaz-e- Janaza at Charsahapur area of the upazila that day through local people. Locals buried another half-decomposed body in Adarshgram area of Chardarbesh Union after the Janaza.

In this regard, Fulgazi Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Nizamuddin said that the dead woman's body was taken away by the family after recovery. He died after being washed away by flood water.

Meanwhile, Sonagazi Model Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Sudeep Roy confirmed the recovery of two bodies. He said, I think they may have died by being swept away by the flood water. The police recovered the half-decomposed body and buried it through the locals.

The deceased in the district include Sahab Uddin (72), son of late Amir Hossain of North Dhanikunda area of Parshuram upazila, Delwar Hossain (42) of Madhugram in Mirzanagar union of the same upazila, Shakila Akhtar (22) of Noapur village of Fulgazi upazila, Kiran (20) son of Belal of North Kariya village, Raju (20) son of Mizanur Rahman of Dakshin Sripur village, Abul Khair (50) of Kismat Basura village, Syed Tarek (32) son of Sirajul Islam of Laxmipur village, Rajaber Nesa (25) daughter of Noor Islam of Shanirhat village, Yusuf (60) of East Darbarpur, Sonagazi. Naeem Uddin (28) son of Mabul Haque of Mangalkandi Union of Upazila, Abir (3) son of Sheikh Farid of Khanhatakandi village, Noor Mohammad Miraj (8 months) son of Noor Nabi of North Karimpur village of Daganbhuana Upazila and Zafar Islam (7) son of Humayun Kabir of Jayalskar area, Chagalnaya. Kurfuler Nesa (75) of North Mandiya village of Shubhopur Union and Md. Ayub Khan (60) of Madhya Jathana village.

In this regard, Feni Deputy Commissioner Musammat Shahina Akhtar said that detailed information about 23 people killed in the flood has been received. The families of the victims will be given maximum support by the administration. Our activities in this regard are going on.