Dr. Yunus requested the United Nations to investigate the violence in the student movement

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
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The Chief Adviser of the Interim government Dr. Muhammad Yunus has formally invited the United Nations to investigate human rights violations during the student movement. In this regard, he gave an official invitation to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Falker Turk. He requested an official investigation into all the incidents of violence in Bangladesh from July 1 to August 15.

This was confirmed in a statement issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Friday (August 30).


In the statement, the spokesperson of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said that the Chief Adviser for impartial and independent truth investigation. Falkar Turq received a formal invitation from Dr. Muhammad Yunus. The United Nations has been requested to investigate the incidents from July 1 to August 15.

A UN fact-finding team is due to arrive in Bangladesh sometime next week to establish justice, accountability and long-term reforms. They have received pledges from the Interim government and security forces to extend full cooperation to the group.


Incidentally, a team from the Human Rights High Commission office came to Dhaka on the 22nd to review the various incidents of violence in the recent student-mass movement in Bangladesh. The team was led by Rory Mongoven, Executive Head of the Asia-Pacific Branch Office of the High Commission for Human Rights.