Why the sudden new polarization in the polling field

  • Ishtiaq Hussein, Special Correspondent, Barta24.com, Dhaka
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Photo: Barta24.com

Photo: Barta24.com

The main opposition party BNP and 36 like-minded political parties have joined forces to protest against the government. On November 15, the Election Commission announced the schedule for the 12th National Election. The BNP-led alliance then announced a tough agitation against the government by announcing a hartal-like program with continued blockades. The moment the BNP announces this program and is on the way to make the movement of the opposition party tougher, a new polarization has started in the voting politics.

The alliance led by Bangladesh Kalyan Party, one of the coalition partners of the main opposition party, has suddenly announced to go to the polls. The announcement of withdrawing from the one-phase movement for the resignation of the government and going to the elections with U- turn has given rise to new discussions in the political arena.


In a press conference at the National Press Club on Wednesday, he said that he is participating in the election without being able to join the movement with the government. However, before the election, A U -turn has been identified as a traitor by the 12-party alliance he was in.

Explaining his new position, he said that he and his party have a limit to their survival. His political incompetence at this point is that he is unable to agitate against the government. It was necessary to reassess the situation after 28th October. Will he remain silent or will he take alternative measures? He took alternative measures.

In a speech at the district office of Awami League on Wednesday, Obaidul Quader, the general secretary of Awami League, commented that the next Jatiya Sangsad election has been frozen. At this time, he said, those who thought who come who do not come. . . Flowers have started to bloom. More flowers will bloom. Hundreds of flowers will bloom until the nomination form is submitted to the Election Commission.

Obaidul Quader's statement and why the parties that are simultaneously protesting with the BNP suddenly changed sides, there are many discussions going on in the political arena. At the final stage of the movement of BNP, various types of information are available in the investigation of the reasons for the change in the position of these parties.

Political analysts said that the leaders of these political parties have a chance to win by participating in the elections. And this possibility is certainly not created just like that.

It is known that many more leaders of the alliance of BNP may also announce to participate in the elections. It is being said that many more such leaders may take U-turn with the election ahead. Besides, some leaders of the BNP may rejoin Trinamool BNP.

It is said that there will be no surprise in the election of some other political parties including the Gono Adhikar Parishad, NDP, Jagpa. Although so far these parties are saying that they will not participate in the elections. There have been hints that some of the Islamist parties may participate in the elections. Moreover, the Jatiya Party announced that it would not go to the polls for a long time and finally backed away from its position.

With elections ahead, there may be new polarization in politics in the next few days. Especially by forming the King's Party, the opposition parties can be divided. However, the BNP is not afraid of changing these leaders. BNP is moving forward with all preparations to face more difficult situations in the movement.

A new discussion is going on in the field of politics, whether BNP will finally come to the polls or not. An election commissioner said that if BNP wants to come to the polls, they will consider changing the election schedule. On the other hand, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader said that Awami League has no objection if the Election Commission thinks it will change the schedule by fixing the date of the election. There is a controversy going on about this matter. It is known that this matter will also be clarified by the BNP in a couple of days.