A. League office in Bogura vandalize: A. League & Chattra League leaders are accused

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com, Bogura
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Photo: Barta24.com

Photo: Barta24.com

A case has been filed against Bogura district Awami League leaders on charges of attack and arson in the party office. Awami League leaders, Chhatra League leaders who recently announced their resignation, former president and general secretary of district Chattra union, principal and director of two private polytechnics have been accused. A 68-year-old woman Councilor has also been charged.

Khalekuzzaman Raja, deputy office secretary of the district Awami League, filed the case against 150 anonymous people including 87 names on the night of July 22.


Among the defendants in the case, Asadul Haque Kajol, member of the executive committee of Ward No. 10 of Bogra Town Awami League and former general secretary of Rahman Nagar Regional Committee of Jubo League, has been made defendant No. 66. He is the president of the city's BRTC shopping complex. The general secretary of that market Tofazzal Hossain Akram has also been accused. But all of his own and in-law's family are connected with Awami League politics. His younger brother has been serving as the general secretary of Bihar Union Awami League of Shibganj Upazila in Bogura for a long time. The other accused in the case, Abu Bakkar Siddique, is a member of the 9th Ward Committee of Madla Union of Shajahanpur Upazila in Bogura, Syed Abdul Bari, president of that union Awami League. Accused number 12 in that case, Zaki Tajwar Samudra, was the deputy-office secretary of Dhaka University's social science faculty branch. He announced his resignation from Chhatra League by posting on Facebook on the night of July 16 last night in protest against the attack on the students of district school in Satmatha of Bogura town. Saddam Hossain, the former president of the district Chattra union, and Shawon Pal, the general secretary, have been accused in that case. However, during the attack, the offices of the District Students' Union and the Communist Party were also attacked. In the case, the principal of the private polytechnic institute called BIIT in Bogura Sahabuddin Saikat and the director of IITB Sabur Shah Lotus have also been accused.

Besides, Bogura Municipality Panel Mayor-3 and 68-year-old woman Councilor Shirin Akhter have also been accused in the case. Her husband Bazlur Rashid is mentioned as the father in the affidavit.


Awami League leader Kajal referred to being accused in the case of vandalism and arson of the party office as motive and said that at the time of the incident, I along with the general secretary and other members of the committee were busy protecting the market. To prevent the attack and looting of the shops, we took a position inside the market and stopped the protesters from entering the market. But it is very shameful to be accused in the incident of burning the office of the party of which I am a member.

Dhaka University student Zaki Tajwar was a 2019 SSC batch student of Samudra Bogura District School and a 2021 HSC batch student of Govt Azizul Haque College. His father Mahtab Uddin is a retired Principal of Govt Azizul Haque College, Bogura. He mentioned that he was in Bogura at the time of the incident and told reporters that it may not be that he has been accused in the case of burning down the party office of Awami League because of his resignation from Chhatra League in connection with the attack on Zilla school students. Someone may have misled the Awami League leaders and implicated him in a false case.

He said that there are many CCTV cameras in Satmatha area. The video footage should have been collected and the persons involved should have been identified. I have been accused in a false case based on the incident of that day.

Saddam Hossain, former president of District Students' Union, accused in that case, said that the complaint is very ridiculous, because the Awami League office and our office are located in the same building. Not only the Awami League office, but also the Student Union and Communist Party offices were damaged in the attack and arson. Looking at the case, it seems that we attacked our own office.

In that case, there are names of 87 people including BNP-Jamaat leaders and workers at various levels, besides Bogura district BNP president Rezaul Karim Badsha, general secretary Ali Azgar Talukdar Hena. It is mentioned in the statement of the case, apart from the accused, 100 to 150 unidentified accused armed with indigenous weapons attacked, vandalized and set fire to the offices of the district Awami League and affiliated organizations and exploded cocktails with anti-government slogans. They looted the goods of the office. In addition, the private office of Sultan Mahmud Khan Roni, the publicity and publication secretary of the neighboring town club and district Awami League, and the temporary police camp in front were attacked, set on fire and looted.

When contacted, Khalekuzzaman Raja, deputy office secretary of the district Awami League, who is the plaintiff in the case, said that I have sued as the deputy office secretary of the party. The names of the accused in the case have been decided in the party meeting.

Bogura Sadar Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Saihan Oliullah said that the written complaint from the district Awami League has been accepted as a case. Names of those whose involvement cannot be obtained during the investigation will be omitted.