Canada PM Justin Trudeau to visit India for G20 Summit

International Desk,
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will visit India to attend the G20 Summit in New Delhi from September 9 to 10. Prior to his visit to New Delhi, Trudeau will travel to Indonesia to participate in the ASEAN Summit and thereafter head to Singapore for a bilateral visit.

"The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that he will travel to Jakarta, Indonesia to participate in the ASEAN Summit from September 5 to 6, 2023. This will be followed by a bilateral visit to Singapore from September 7 to 8, 2023. He will then participate in the G20 Summit in New Delhi, India, from September 9 to 10, 2023," Prime Minister's Office said in a statement.

At the G20 Summit in New Delhi, Trudeau will work with international partners to tackle global crises to build a better tomorrow for people around the world. He will promote the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in his role as co-chair of the SDG Advocates group.

Canada Prime Minister's Office in the statement said, "At the G20 Summit in New Delhi, India, under the theme “One Earth – One Family – One Future”, the Prime Minister will work with international partners to tackle today’s global crises to build a better tomorrow for people around the world."

It further said, "He will promote the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in his role as co-chair of the SDG Advocates group, and advocate for increased collaboration in the areas of climate change, international financial institution reform, food and energy security, gender equality, and improved global health."

According to the statement, Trudeau will continue to advocate for collective action to hold Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable for the military offensive in Ukraine.

Canada Prime Minister's Office in the statement said, "Canada is, and will always be, a champion of the rules-based international order, and the global trade and economic progress that depend on those rules. Russia’s brutal war of aggression in Ukraine is an attack on the rules that all countries rely on to do business, trade, grow, and improve life for their citizens."

It further said, "That’s why, at the G20, Prime Minister Trudeau will continue to advocate for collective action to hold Putin accountable for his illegal war and to secure a just and durable peace that starts with Russia’s immediate withdrawal from Ukraine. Working collaboratively to tackle global crises while holding Russia accountable is essential to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the G20."

The G20 is the premier forum for international economic cooperation. India has assumed the G20 Presidency from December 1. The G20 comprises 19 countries - Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, US, UK and the European Union. The G20 members represent around 85 per cent of the global GDP, over 75 per cent of the global trade, and about two-thirds of the world population.

In the Indo-Pacific region, Trudeau will reaffirm Canada's commitment to strengthening economic cooperation and removing trade barriers to create good middle-class jobs and make life more affordable for people on both sides of the Pacific. According to the statement, he will work with his counterparts to strengthen ties between people and drive climate action. 

In the statement, Trudeau said, "We live in an increasingly interconnected world, and it is clear that the crises that exist today can only be addressed by pulling together. I look forward to meeting with global leaders to address the challenges and crises we are facing, seize opportunities for Canadians, and ensure a strong economy for now and for generations to come."

During his visit to Indonesia, Trudeau will meet Indonesian President Joko Widodo to keep working together to tackle climate change, improve food security and advance economic ties by underscoring Canada’s commitment to conclude a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with Indonesia, Canada’s largest export market in Southeast Asia, according to the statement.

In Singapore, Trudeau will strengthen bilateral relations between the two nations, particularly by promoting Canadian exports and positioning Canada as a destination of choice for investment opportunities. During his visit, he will meet with his Singapore counterpart Lee Hsien Loong and a number of private sector leaders.

According to the statement, Justin Trudeau's visit to the Indo-Pacific region will be an opportunity to make progress and deliver results on issues of importance to Canada and its international partners. (ANI)

Israeli attacks on Gaza: death toll rises to 39,175

International Desk,
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In the past 24 hours, 21 more people were killed in Israeli military strikes in the besieged Palestinian Gaza Strip. 39175 people have lost their lives so far.

This information was revealed in a report by Al-Jazeera, a Qatar-based media outlet, on Thursday (July 26).

At least 18 people were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Khan Yunis, south of Gaza, according to reports. Two more deaths were reported in northern Gaza City and one in Nuseirat refugee camp. 21 Palestinian citizens have been killed in the last 24 hours.

Since October 7 of last year, 39175 people have been killed by Israeli military attacks. Another 90703 people were injured. Besides, several lakhs of people have been displaced. Most of the dead and injured are children and women.

On the other hand, 1139 Israelis were killed in Hamas attacks.


South Africa gets first woman Chief Justice

International Desk,, Dhaka
South Africa gets first woman Chief Justice

South Africa gets first woman Chief Justice

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A woman has been appointed as the Chief Justice for the first time in South Africa. Her name is Mandisa Maya. President Cyril Ramaphosa announced May's name on Thursday (July 25).

This information was published in a report of ABC News. According to reports, President Cyril Ramaphosa has named current Deputy Chief Justice Mandisa Maya as the country's new senior-most judge. Her tenure as Chief Justice will take effect from September 1. He will replace the current Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Zondo is retiring.

Maya (60) served as Chief Justice of South Africa's second highest court, the Supreme Court of Appeal, before her elevation to the Constitutional Court.

Ramaphosa nominated Maya for Chief Justice in February and was interviewed by the Judicial Service Commission in May.

Ramaphosa said in a statement that the commission recommended her and appointing her to the post is a significant milestone for the country. 


Indian media apologized for misleading news about the Prime Minister

International Desk,, Dhaka
Indian media apologized for misleading news about the Prime Minister

Indian media apologized for misleading news about the Prime Minister

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An Indian media has apologized for publishing misleading news about Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

During the violent agitation over the quota in Bangladesh, India Today NE, a media outlet based in the northeastern state of India, reported that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had been airlifted out. After the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi protested the report, the outlet's website read: 'India Today NE- sincerely apologizes for this unintentional mistake and regrets any confusion or tension it may have caused in our neighboring country.'

It added, "As a respected news publication, we are committed to both factual and ethical journalism."

The Bangladesh High Commission in India has denied the accuracy of a report published in India Today NE on July 21, titled 'Indian students leave Dhaka due to violent clashes, PM Sheikh Hasina airlifted out', reports India Today NE ' is also shared on social media platforms.

At a critical moment, such news as reported by the High Commission of Bangladesh can confuse the common people and even inflame tension.


The US is monitoring what is happening in the quota movement: Miller

International Desk,
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The US Embassy in Dhaka and Washington are keeping a close watch on what is happening in Bangladesh in the student quota reform movement, the State Department said. In addition, spokesperson Matthew Miller commented that the United States continues to convey its concerns on the Bangladesh issue from the podium of the State Department.

This spokesperson said that there can be no direct talk about listing the organization as a banned organization due to the torture and violence that the Chhatra League has been carrying out on students for the past one and a half decades.

Participating in the briefing, State Department Correspondent Mushfiqul Fazal Ansari raised the issue of violence conducted by Chhatra League and law enforcement forces in the ongoing movement of students and wanted to know, 'The ruling government has continued to attack the movement of students in Bangladesh. At least 6 students have lost their lives so far at the hands of government-backed law and order forces. Bangladesh Chhatra League, the student body of the ruling government, is brutally torturing students, especially female students. This organization has been doing such activities for the past decade and a half. Will you list BCL as a terrorist organization?'

In response, Miller said, 'I'm not going to say anything about the issue you mentioned (banning Bangladesh Chhatra League). We have observed the violence that has spread during the student protests in Dhaka. I am once again calling for the movement to be peaceful. At the same time condemn any form of violence in peaceful protests.'

In another question, this reporter wants to know, 'Abu Sayed, a student of the English department of Begum Rokeya University, stood with his chest in front of the police gun during the protest for the safety of his classmates. The police did not hesitate to shoot him. He himself could not understand that the police would shoot him like this while protecting his classmates. After the fraudulent election, Sheikh Hasina has held on to her power by torturing her like this. Foreign Minister Anthony  Blinken said, 'The whole world's eyes are on the Bangladesh elections. The United States will take whatever steps are necessary for this election.' But the moment the people's rights are taken away, you become completely silent. Why did this happen?'

In response, Miller said, 'First of all, what you said is not true. We are not silent. You've seen me speak over and over throughout the week. As I said last Monday and I say again today, we condemn any form of violence against peaceful protests.'

He said, 'The US Embassy in Dhaka and our officials from Washington are closely monitoring what is happening in Bangladesh. Students are being killed in protests, people are dying, it is under our watch.'

"We call on the government to respect a citizen's right to peaceful protest," Miller said.
