Elections in the UK today, the Labor Party may come to power

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Elections in the UK today, the Labor Party may come to power

Elections in the UK today, the Labor Party may come to power

Citizens of the UK will vote on Thursday (July 4) to decide who will be in power for the next five years. Various polls indicate that the 14-year rule of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's party, the Conservative Party, is coming to an end.

Polling firm Survation says Keir Starmer's Labor Party is set to win 484 of the 650 seats. However, nothing can be said conclusively before the results of the polls are announced.


This information has been reported by the British media BBC.

According to the report, 34 candidates of Bangladeshi origin are competing in this election.

Voting will continue from 7 am to 10 pm local time today. In addition to the ruling Conservative Party and the main opposition Labor Party, more than half a hundred parties including the Liberal Democratic Party, Green Party, and Reform Party are participating in the election.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced early elections on May 22, six months before the end of the government's term.

The parties have made various promises in the election manifesto to pull public opinion towards them.

Analysts say the country's fragile economy, high cost of living and immigration could affect the election this year since the UK left the European Union.

Labor's Starmer, who is leading in the polls, has been campaigning to restructure the economy, speed up health care, lower the cost of living and send illegal immigrants to their home countries rather than to Rwanda. He called on the Conservatives to vote Labor to end 14 years of chaotic rule.

Meanwhile, Conservative Party leader Mel Stride said on Wednesday (July 3), the day before the election, that according to opinion polls, Labor is most likely to win a majority.

In this regard, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that Mel Stride wanted to warn the people about the consequences of the majority of the Labor Party through that speech.

Optimistic about winning, Sunak said he is fighting hard for every vote. He claims that 100,000 people can make a difference in this election; he has also seen the analysis.

"Of course I will take responsibility, because I am the leader of the party," said Sunak, stating that he would take full responsibility for the election results.

In this election, current MP Rushnara Ali, Rupa Haque, Tulip Rezwana Siddique and Afsana Begum have been nominated from Labor Party. Apart from this, 30 more candidates of Bangladeshi origin have received nominations from various parties.