'Unfinished Autobiography' translated into Bhutanese language unveiled

  • Staff Correspondent, Barta24.com
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photo: Collected

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's 'Unfinished Autobiography' has been translated into Dzongkha language of Bhutan. Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Muhammad Ali Arafat attended the cover page unveiling ceremony of the book at Thimphu Jicheng Auditorium on Sunday (March 31).

Princess Dechen Yangjom Wangchuck of Bhutan and Saima Wazed, daughter of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Bangabandhu's grand daughter, Southeast Asia Regional Director of the World Health Organization unveiled the Bhutanese edition of the book 'Unfinished Autobiography'.


State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Muhammad Ali Arafat was present at the unveiling ceremony.

The book 'Unfinished Autobiography' was translated into Dzongkha language under the initiative of Bangladesh Embassy in Thimphu and under the leadership of Dasho Karma Uda, Commissioner of Bhutan's research institution Center for Bhutan Studies (CBS) and renowned Bhutanese writer. The book is published by PT Printing, Thimphu.


Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, Health Minister Tandin Wangchuck, Agriculture and Livestock Minister Yonten Phuntsho, Home Minister Lienpo Tshering, Industry, Trade and Employment Minister Namgyal Darji, Ambassador of Kuwait to Bhutan and Ambassador of Bhutan to Bangladesh also attended the unveiling ceremony. Thimphu-based head of diplomatic mission, secretaries, academicians, intellectuals, researchers and expatriate Bangladeshis were present on the occasion.

Ambassador of Bangladesh to Bhutan Shiv Nath Roy gave a welcome speech on the occasion. Counselor of Bangladesh Embassy in Thimphu, Sujan Debnath, presented the essence of the book about Bangladeshi and Bhutanese students.

In the event, students read some parts of the book in Dzongkha, English and Bengali versions.

It is said from the Bangladesh Embassy in Thimphu, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's 'Unfinished Autobiography' translated into Bhutanese language will be considered as a new means of historical connection between Bangladesh and Bhutan. Besides, the book will be used to strengthen cultural ties between the two countries.

The embassy also informed that the book will be distributed to libraries, Universities, colleges, research centers in Bhutan.