It is preferable to amend the Constitution, not to rewrite it

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Photo: Collected

Dhaka: After the political changes in the country, various discussions are going on whether to amend or rewrite the constitution. But not rewriting, but amending the constitution is preferable.


Such views emerged in a consultative seminar titled 'Constitutional Reforms for Transition to Democratic Governance' organized at Cirdap Auditorium in the capital on Saturday (October 19). Retired judges, lawyers, newspaper editors, law teachers and other people from various levels gave speeches in this seminar organized by Bangladesh Institute of Policy Studies (BIPS).

In the keynote speech of the discussion meeting, retired judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court Abdul Matin said, he emphasized on taking appropriate measures so that the fruits of the anti-discrimination student movement are not wasted. He said, whatever name this movement is called, it is a successful movement. Due to which the dictator sitting like a stone on the people had to flee the country. This is removed, this is a constitutional right. Not all rights are written down. He gave various explanations and examples in this regard.

He said, reformation of the regime, rewriting, whatever, who has the right to it? The right belongs to those who brought about this change (change of government).

Justice Abdul Matin said that after five years, I would have had a little taste of democracy. Earlier there was no election system. A provision was made through the Thirteenth Amendment that would be a caretaker government. I did well in two or three elections under the caretaker government system. Later it became clear again.

Talking about the necessity of constitutional reform, Justice Matin said that it would not be right to interfere with the issues that have already been recognized or settled. Like "Republic". Start from here by keeping them in existence. Talking about the reformation of those which have not been done, he said that the judicial department should repair them.

In the president's speech retired Justice Syed Md. Dastgir Hossain said, the country became independent after so much struggle, we got freedom in exchange for the blood of 30 lakh martyrs. What did I get next time? The result is zero. If these students had not come forward, I would have stayed in the hole where I fell.

Commenting that the anti-discrimination student movement has brought new opportunities for us, The Daily Star editor Mahfuz Anam said, a statement has come, should we write a new constitution or amend the previous one. I think it is advisable to amend the previous one because the former contains many valuable statements. There are images of tradition. Make it more democratic, establish more people's rights and avoid future governments that can axe all power. This needs correction.

Regarding what can be corrected, Mahfuz Anam said, stressing on the separation of powers between the executive department, judicial department and legislative department, he said, the power of the judicial department was completely undermined. The legislative department did not perform independent duties. It has acted as a 'rubber stamp' of the ruling party. All power was concentrated in the executive branch. That must be changed.

He said that it is very necessary to make the judicial department of the country independent, because the judicial department determines the violation of the constitution. Independent Election Commission is needed. It is necessary for the media to work independently. The media was censored by new laws; there was no freedom of expression. The latest Digital Security Act and later the Cyber Security Act is an attempt to kill the media. Mahfuz Anam felt that the caretaker government system should also be re-established.

CAF Daula, President of Bangladesh Institute of Policy Studies, Dhaka University Law Department Professor Hafizur Rahman Curzon, Supreme Court Lawyers Uttam Kumar Das, Golam Mostafa and others also spoke at the meeting.