Justice and reform are our top priority: Adviser Nahid

Pic: Collected
'BNP thinks this government has come only to hold an election. But this government has not come only for this. This government has come through a mass uprising, for an interim period. During which they will hold justice, reform and elections. Justice and reform are our top priority.'
Nahid Islam, adviser to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, said these things in an exclusive interview with BBC Bangla.
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has commented that the demand for a neutral government by the party is basically an indication of the formation of another one-eleven government. He said, the discussion of the politics of one-eleven and minus two was brought into the field by the BNP in the beginning. We think this government is neutral. But I think BNP should make it clear to them why they are not able to think. Why do they think this government has come only to hold an election. But this government did not come just for this. This government came through a mass uprising. For an interim period. During which they will hold trials, reforms and elections. Trial and reforms are our highest priority. We students have come here to work as the government's watchdogs.
He also said, we students have come here to see whether the government can implement the main goal of the mass uprising or not. The same tone is seen between BNP and Awami League regarding a neutral government. But this is creating a doubt.
Disagreeing with Mirza Fakhrul's statement that the people will decide whether to return to the Awami League or not, the information advisor said, a neutral government does not mean that we have to behave neutrally towards the Awami League, we have to give them space. This will never be possible. Those who were involved in disappearances, murders, extortion and money laundering must be brought to justice. We want to do this work in coordination. We think that the Awami League has no moral and political right to do politics in Bangladesh. Before the election, those involved in judicial work will give a clear statement on this issue.
Regarding the formation of political parties and the participation of student advisors in politics, Nahid said, if any of the advisors engage in politics, they will do so by leaving the government.